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قديم 05-11-2007, 06:26 AM   #1 (permalink)


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الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


السلام عليكم

اليكم اخوانى الكرام حزمة الكوداك

Vista Codec Package 4.4.2

الحزمه اهم ما فيها انها تغنيك عن اى كوداك او اى حزمه اخرى

معلومات عن الحزمه :

With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.

Latest changes:

Update XviD components

Update FFDshow components 1148

remove Cyberlink's MPEG-2 codec

add Dscaler.org MPEG-2 decoder

rollback Haali components to v1.7.121

fix several uninstall issues

allow removed components re-added on the fly

Note: You must uninstall anyprevious version before installation

حجم الحزمه :

20,070 KB

تاريخ صدور الحزمه :

May 10, 2007

التحميل :




والسلام عليكم


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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