سمع عن فريق اسمه The Andrews sisters ؟
دة فريق قديم جدا مكون من 3 بنات ممكن اغانيهم تعجبكم وممكن لا عموما دى نبذة عنهم
During a time when teenagers were doing the jitterbug and Uncle Sam was asking young men to enlist, The Andrews Sisters were America’s most popular female singing group. Patty, the youngest sister, was a loud and energetic blond who headed the group with her confident vocals. The middle sister was Maxene, a brunette, whose harmonic range gave the impression of four voices instead of three. Finally, completing the trio was the eldest, LaVerne, a strong willed red head with a witty sense of humor and an eye for fashion. Theirs songs hit America since the year 1940
دول مجموعة قصيرة من اغانيهم المشهورة