عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-29-2008, 11:55 PM   #1 (permalink)


• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


قاموس مترجم رائع للموبايل بمميزات ولغات عديدة يترجم من والى بين عدة لغات

Babylon Mobile, a new version of Babylon designed for Windows Mobile powered devices, now offers you translation on the go in more than 20 languages, from a variety of authoritative sources.

-- Stylus Click Activation

-- Translation is just a stylus click away - simply click and drag the Babylon icon at the top of the screen to the text for translation. Alternatively, you can select the text and choose "Translate" from the context menu.

-- More than 20 Languages

-- Word and phrase translation is available from over a thousand sources in more than 20 languages.

-- Full Text Translation

-- Translate full sentences and paragraphs. Full text translation is available in 17 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish and Ukrainian.

-- Wikipedia Content

-- Get quick results from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, a web-based multilingual encyclopedia, features over 2 million articles in 13 languages.

-- Up-to-date Dictionaries

-- The Babylon dictionaries are constantly updated to include the latest in business terms, technology terms and even slang.

-- Technical Requirements:

-- Pocket PC device with a Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0 operating system.

-- Translation requires internet connection.




و شكرا لكم ،،


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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