عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-15-2009, 04:16 PM   #1 (permalink)


عضو نشيط

Ronaldinho_10 على طريق التميز


اهلا بكل احبائنا الغاليين رواد منتدانا الحبيب الحصريات

اقدم لكم مكتبة للالعاب اتمنى تنال اعجابكم

تحت روابط التحميل لكل لعبة هنالك ملاحضات لطريقة تشغيلها

بعد التحميل و اتمام اللتحميل لكل الاجزاء

اهداء لاعضاء الحصريات الغالي

على بركة الله نبدا ملاحظة PASSWORD- boxxers

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract PES09 with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

Credited to toed for compressing the game

1. make sure you install PhysX_8.04.25 located in the toed file

2. instruction in the readme file (must read)


Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract FIFA09 with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract KBTL with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

1. extract iso. with Winrar or 7-Zip

2. mount the iso to daemon tools or alcohol 120

3. install the game

4. copy crack over game directory

5. play and enjoy

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract Crysis Warhead with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1. Extract Pure with 7-zip

2. Run setup.bat

3. Copy fmodex.dll and Pure.exe to the game directory

3. play and enjoy

This is the Demo Version

1. double click exe.

2. install the game

3. play and enjoy

Instruction in the READMESCS.text (must read)

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract M2WIF with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

1 . Unrar with WinRar ( newest! ) or use 7zip.

2a. WinXP user double click: Spore_WinXP.exe ( must be done )

2b. Vista user double click: Spore_Vista.exe ( must be done )

3. double click: **MakeDesktopIcon.exe and run game (english)

Credited to Skullptura for compressing the game

1.extract dimensity with 7-zip

2. run setup.bat

3. play and enjoy

== يتبع ==

Ronaldinho_10 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس