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قديم 06-27-2010, 02:38 AM   #1 (permalink)


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الصورة الرمزية Scorpion

Scorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond reputeScorpion has a reputation beyond repute
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اهلا بكم ؛؛

Mp3Tag v.246


برنامج محرر بطاقة معلومات ملفات الصوت mp3 يمكنك ان تكتب حقوقك انت بدل حقوق الاخرين في لبروفايل للملفات الصوتية

يدعم هذا البرنامج التحرير لصيغ اخرى غير ام بي ثري مثل aac, .ape, .flac, .m4a, .mp3, .mp4, .mpc, .ogg, .vqf, and .wma tags

ولكن يصدرها لام بي ثري

طبعاً البرنامج له امكانيات حلوه جداً في هذا المجال وتغيير المعلومات من اسماء الملفات الكثير من الخيارات

حمل نسختك من اليكس وتمتع بالجديد والمفيد والرائع دائماً

متوافق مع Windows All

tag clinic, mp3 tag backup, mp3 tag restore, mp3 tag editors, m4a tag editor, tag music, batch file renamer, rename files, backup software

MP3 Tag Clinic displays all your tag data from all files in a folder in a feature-rich, editable table.

MP3 Tag Clinic will help you to edit tag fields individually or select a multi-file combination of fields or tags to apply at once the same editing function to all of them. Rename files based upon their tag data, or create the tag data itself by extracting it from file names.

Automatically create folders based upon tag data, and relocate your files there as they are being renamed. Customized file rename formats can be saved for reuse, and file name changes can be previewed and undone.

Optionally and automatically convert special character sequences, trim extra space, and perform capitalization functions.

Swap tag data between fields, search and replace, define custom genres, synchronize ID3v1 and ID3v2.Create custom tag and play lists, view and embed images, drag & drop, and more.









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