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Adobe Reader 8.1.0 Final for Windows XP SP2 / Vista

Free Adobe Reader® software lets you view, print, and search PDF files on a variety of devices and operating [mouseover]أرجو

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قديم 06-16-2007, 07:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


Free Adobe Reader® software lets you view, print, and search PDF files on a variety of devices and operating [mouseover]أرجو الردود و الشكر من الجميع[/mouseover]systems with faster launch time and real-time zooming and panning. You can use Adobe Reader to read, interact with, and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files generated by such applications as the Adobe Acrobat® family of products, Adobe Photoshop® Album, and more. Acrobat Reader also lets you fill in and submit PDF forms online. And when enabled by Acrobat Professional authors, you can now leverage robust commenting tools and actively participate in document reviews

Adobe Reader 8 includes new document viewing options, advanced collaboration, increased time-saving ways to work with PDF files, and other new features to help you more securely and consistently communicate and collaborate using PDF files

What's new in Reader 8.1

- New interface, new tools, more options. Use the redesigned Adobe Reader 8 interface to select from a variety of new document viewing options. Zoom in, pan over, or leverage the loupe feature to take a closer look

- Launch an online, real-time meeting in seconds. Select “Start Meeting” in Reader 8 to deliver online training or communicate in real time. Set up shared, server-based document reviews. Leverage the new review tracker and simple RSS reader

- Secure existing workflows. Combine Reader 8 with Adobe LiveCycle™ Policy Server and the new Adobe Online Services Document Center. Digitally sign Adobe PDF files

- Save time working with PDF files. Open, view, and collaborate on PDF document packages that contain Adobe PDF files and other files types. Try new markup and review tools, customizable toolbars, and combined search and find

- Simplied deployment across your organization. Quickly manage and control Reader 8 deployments using the Adobe Customization Wizard 8, IBM® Tivoli, Microsoft® Systems Management Server, Windows® Group Policy Objects, and Active Directory



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