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DVDPean Pro is a software DVD soundtrack ripper which can extract sound tracks from DVDs and save them as Mp3,

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قديم 07-03-2007, 09:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو نشيط

kalilo على طريق التميز


DVDPean Pro is a software DVD soundtrack ripper which can extract sound tracks from DVDs and save them as Mp3, Wma, Wav, Ogg, Ra, Ram, AAC, Mp4, APE, Flac, MPC file format. Create standard mp3 files with ID3 tag playable on your portable mp3 player, convert audio of each chapter to an individual file, rip from specified start time to end time, automatically shutdown computer.

DVDPean Pro is an easy-to-use DVD ripping and copying software which can copy DVD to DivX (which has better quality and smaller size) wmv files, DVDPean Video can then Copy DVD to VCD (MPEG1); Copy DVD to SVCD (MPEG-2); Copy Copy DVD to AVI ;Copy DVD to WMV files,Copy DVD to Rmvb files.Copy DVD to FLV files, Copy DVD to MP4 files,Copy DVD to 3GP files,It provides you excellent Video quality and smaller file size just in a few clicks. Very easy and quick!





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