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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

Ad-Aware 2007 Pro.Edition

Redesigned Engine – Benefit from superior program flexibility and more accurate scanning methods with all-new program architecture. Improved Code Sequence

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قديم 07-03-2007, 09:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو نشيط

kalilo على طريق التميز

Red face

Redesigned Engine – Benefit from superior program flexibility and more accurate scanning methods with all-new program architecture.

Improved Code Sequence Identification (CSI) Technology – Boost your privacy protection with precise detection of embedded malware, including known and emerging threats.

The Scheduler – Set automatic scans and updates to fit your personalized needs.

Incremental Definition File Updates – Save precious time and resources with smaller update files resulting in faster download times.

Ad-Watch RegShield – Improved protection against attempted registry changes, a favorite target for many forms of malware.

Ad-Watch Connect – Open a new channel to identify keyloggers and identity theft attempts with this convenient snapshot of programs actively connected to other networks.

TrackSweep - Control privacy by erasing tracks left behind while surfing the

Web on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera, with one easy click.

Hosts File Editor – Take control of your Web navigation by blocking advertisement sites, reversing browser hijack entries, assisting with parental controls, and creating navigation shortcuts.

Multiple Browser Support – Choose Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera with expanded browser support.

New Straightforward User Interface – Effortlessly maneuver the complexities of malware

detection and removal with our new user-friendly interface.

رابط التحميل


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