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Family Tree Maker 2008 Deluxe

Family Tree Maker 2008 Deluxe بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Family Tree Maker 2008 Deluxe البرنامج كامل حيث يمكنك التسجيل باستخدام

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قديم 11-19-2007, 02:19 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
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Family Tree Maker 2008 Deluxe

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Family Tree Maker 2008 Deluxe

البرنامج كامل حيث يمكنك التسجيل باستخدام الرقم التسلسلي المرفق مع البرنامج..........

البرنامج يمكنك من تكوين شجرة العائلة لعائلتك أو أي عائلة تريد .... فتضع الأسماء وتاريخ الميلاد والوفاة والأطفال والآباء والسكن وكل المعلومات الضرورية لتكوين شجرة العائلة .......

البرنامج هو الأول من نوعه على مستوى العالم..........

Use Family Tree Maker to organize your memories and knowledge, from names and dates to photos and stories. Then fill in the gaps by searching the web for clues about your ancestors’ lives. You can also attach photos and rich media files, view dynamic maps and timelines and create beautiful charts to share with your family.

When you buy the Deluxe Edition, you’ll get a 3-month subscription to Ancestry.com, the web’s largest collection of family history records. Family Tree Maker 2008 integrates seamlessly with Ancestry.com, allowing you to quickly merge new facts and records into your family tree.

The Deluxe Edition also includes:

* Training Video (DVD). Watch as family history expert Megan Smolenyak presents tips and guidelines for building your family tree.

* Getting Started Guide. Follow the directions in this handy guide to begin your first Family Tree Maker project and master the program’s basic features.

* The Official Guide to Family Tree Maker 2008 (PDF). For detailed instructions, browse or search this in-depth user manual included on the software installation CD.

* The Standard Ancestry Reference Library (DVD). Access 10 leading family history books, compiled and indexed on one DVD.

* Our History in Images (2 DVDs). Add visual excitement and historical context to your family tree with this collection of historical maps, war and conflict photos and vintage postcards from all 50 states.

Minimum System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements: Windows XP SP2/Vista 500 MHz Intel Pentium II (or *****alent) 460 MB for installation / 256 MB of RAM 2X CD-ROM (required for installation) 800x600 resolution monitor Recommended System Requirements: Windows XP SP2/Vista 1 GHz Intel Pentium III (or *****alent) 460 MB for installation /512 MB of RAM 32X CD/CD-R 1024x768 resolution monitor All online features require internet access Some supplemental products require a DVD-ROM drive Administrator privileges are required to properly install the program on Windows XP and Windows Vista. User is responsible for internet service provider account, all internet access fees, and phone charges.








و شكرا لكم ..


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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