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الأغانى الأجنبية تحميل الالبومات الكاملة الاجنبية والاغانى الجديدة

Laura pausini-I Need Love !موسيقى جامدة

أغنية جامدة موت رومنسية لأقصى درجة من هنا=====> http://rapidshare.com/files/80774418..._love.mp3.html كلمات الأغنية Paroles de I Need Love I'd cross the desert

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قديم 01-03-2008, 01:06 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

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أغنية جامدة موت رومنسية لأقصى درجة

من هنا=====>http://rapidshare.com/files/80774418..._love.mp3.html

كلمات الأغنية

Paroles de I Need Love

I'd cross the desert to be where you are

All the things I'd do to be close to you

A million miles wouldn't seem that far

I'd go anywhere just to win your heart

But wherever this leads

There's something I need

I need love

The kind that makes you wanna live

The kind that makes you wanna breathe

The kind that makes you feel too much

And I need you

To help me find a better way

And I guess you never thought you'd hear me say

I need love

I need love

And when I see you I just lose my mind

You're the everything I thought I'd never find

Must be an angel watching over me

With a little luck we're gonna make you mine

'Cause I wannna believe (I want to believe)

In all we can be (all we can be)

Repeat Chorus

And oh, I will catch you when you fall

Be the greatest love of all

I promise to be

If you give me what I need, I need

I need love

I need you

The kind that makes you feel

The one that makes you wanna live

The one that makes you wanna breathe

And I need you

To help me find a better way

And I guess you never thought you'd hear me say

I need love

I need love

I need love, baby

I need love

I'd cross the desert

I'd cross the desert to be where you are

صورة لها أيضا


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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