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الأفلام الأجنبية تحميل احدث الأفلام الأجنبية المترجمة

Lions for Lambs -2007-دراما

Lions for Lambs -2007-دراما فيلم درامى من انتاج 2007 قصة الفيلم: Two determined students at a West Coast University, Arian

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قديم 02-11-2008, 07:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


Lions for Lambs -2007-دراما

فيلم درامى من انتاج 2007 قصة الفيلم: Two determined students at a West Coast University, Arian and Ernest, follow the inspiration of their idealistic professor, Dr. Malley, and attempt to do something important with their lives. But when the two make the bold decision to join the battle in Afghanistan, Malley is both moved and distraught. Now, as Arian and Ernest fight for survival in the field, they become the string that binds together two disparate stories on opposite sides of America. In California, an anguished Dr. Malley attempts to reach a privileged but disaffected student, who is the very opposite of Arian and Ernest. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. the charismatic Presidential hopeful, Senator Jasper Irving, is about to give a bombshell story to a probing TV journalist that may affect Arian and Ernest's fates. As arguments, memories and bullets fly, the three stories are woven ever more tightly together, revealing how each of these Americans has a profound impact on each other--and the world.






I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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قديم 03-07-2008, 03:06 PM   #2 (permalink)
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