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FTP Now v2.6.77 برنامج نقل الملفات للمواقع

FTP Now v2.6.77 برنامج نقل الملفات للمواقع برنامج نقل الملفات من والى المواقع عبر ال ftp FTP Now is a

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قديم 02-21-2008, 12:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

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FTP Now v2.6.77 برنامج نقل الملفات للمواقع

برنامج نقل الملفات من والى المواقع عبر ال ftp

FTP Now is a fast, multi-threaded Windows FTP client software with the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer. It makes moving files between the Internet and your computer as simple as local file manipulation. Whether uploading a Web page, an image, or downloading music and software or transferring various files between your computer and any FTP server, FTP Now will get the job done easily and fast, it is suitable for beginner and expert.

* Upload/Download Entire Folders at Once

* Connection Wizard - Guides you through the necessary steps of creating a new FTP connection

* You can connect to another server, while file transfers are still in progress.

* Bookmark FTP Folders and go to them with just one click

* Windows Explorer Look and Feel

* Automatically retry if a connection attempt failed



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, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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