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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

Remote Things 1.0

Remote Thing is powerful software composed of 2 separate program parts, which enable remote control of a PC through internet,

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قديم 05-08-2008, 06:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


Remote Thing is powerful software composed of 2 separate program parts, which enable remote control of a PC through internet, network or any tcp/ip connection.

Ease of use.

Easy, intuitive user interface that that does not take hours and hours to learn.

No Membership fees.

While others require monthly membership fees, which add up to thousands of dollars yearly, Remote Thing only requires a licensing fee without any membership obligation.

Local network.

Remote Thing does not require of you to have an internet connection to use Remote Thing on local area network. The Competition does require that their software have a constant link to their servers over the internet.

Advanced multi-user

Set specific, advanced privileges for each user that wants to connect to the server.

Files and folders

The following list is only a fraction of Remote Thing Explorers capabilities on files and folders.Download, upload, execute, rename, move, print, advanced command, attribute change and more.


Connect to the remote PCs screen, mouse and keyboard, and work on the remote pc as if you were in front of it. Remote Thing is capable to focus on a specific region or application without disturbing the rest of the screen.


Controlling the running application on the remote desktop is important and that’s exactly what remote thing enables you to do.

cracked 1.5 Mb





I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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