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Net Switch 3.67

Do you connect to more than one network..? Don't want to reconfigure your computer for every new location..! Mobile Net

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قديم 05-08-2008, 06:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


Do you connect to more than one network..?

Don't want to reconfigure your computer for every new location..!

Mobile Net Switch is an award-winning program for Windows XP and Windows Vista that enables you to use your computer on more than one network with the click of a button. Mobile Net Switch allows you to automatically select the correct drive mappings, printer settings, IP settings, WiFi settings and much more!

All changes are made instantly, no reboot is required!

Using your computer on multiple networks has never been so easy!

The powerful easy to use interface allows you to configure your computer for every network you will be connecting to (Workgroup or Domain). It's the perfect solution for everyone with a mobile computer who is using it on more than one network (e.g. when you are using your machine on multiple locations, offices or at home).

Each location is stored in a profile. Simply select a profile and your drives will be mapped correctly, the correct default printer will be selected, IP Addresses will be set correctly, the correct Proxy Server will be configured, and much more. You will be able to use your machine on any network with ease!

This unique program allows you to:

Configure IP Addressing, WiFi settings, Proxy Server, Drive Mappings, Default Printer, Dynamic outgoing (SMTP) mail server, Time Zone and much more for each location you use your machine.

Switch these settings without needing to restart your machine

This program doesn't require administrator privileges and works on Windows XP and Vista (and Windows 2000 and 2003).

On Windows Vista, it doesn't trigger User Account Control (UAC) and doesn't require 'Run as Administrator' !

...and it can do much more;

Windows is Multi-Tasking, Mobile Net Switch makes it Multi-Network.

With keygen 2.5 Mb





I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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