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لعبة القنص Unreal Tournament

لعبة القنص Unreal Tournament تحميل لعبة القنص Unreal Tournament بروابط تحميل مباشرة و سريعة لعبة الاكشن و القتال و السلاح

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قديم 05-24-2008, 03:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
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لعبة القنص Unreal Tournament

تحميل لعبة القنص Unreal Tournament بروابط تحميل مباشرة و سريعة

لعبة الاكشن و القتال و السلاح

Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. Edition ISO









Digital Extremes


M (Mature)


Q1 2001

The graphics haven't changed from UT. There are many graphic options so it's worth your time to configure them to your liking. Action is smooth for the most part – depending on your hardware configuration and your Internet connection during multiplay. Character models and skins are detailed. Indoor levels offer detailed architecture and even outdoor levels don't slow down the action. There is a lot of colour too, which makes everything very easy to look at. The weapon effects are particularly well done.

UT: GOTYE has all the weapons found in the regular UT. Of course, there are a variety of new weapons to master including a wicked looking sword, happy face proximity bombs (that giggle maniacally), turrets and crossbows. These weapons are courtesy of the ChaosGOTYE mutator (one in a long list of mutators that affect various aspects of the game) found in the practice menu. These menus allow players to customize gameplay without having to know any programming. If you want lower gravity, make Enforcers the only weapon available, and enable chainsaws as the melee weapon you can do it quickly and easily. The menus themselves are easy to navigate and understand. Setting up a practice session (frag limit, map order, bot intelligence, game type, etc.) takes about 30 seconds.

My one menu gripe is that mouse sensitivity is set by entering a numeric value. Why is this when every other FPS uses a slider bar? How sensitive is "5"? Did his girlfriend leave him? Is he doing okay in school? Who knows.

The most amusing mutator is probably the "Fatboy" option. The more kills you rack up, the fatter you get (and the more appealing you become as a target). But if you're getting your butt kicked you dwindle down to stickman dimensions. It's an excellent way to gauge how well you're doing without checking the stats.

Another game type addition for the hardcore gamer: Rocket Arena. RA pits players one-on-one

in a fight to the finish. The maps are smaller than the standard deathmatch maps and you really get a sense of matching wits. However, these matches can also get boring real fast if A) Your opponent is just too good at pegging your head to a wall or Your opponent is very good at running away. On-line, the wait to try your hand at taking control can often be a long one depending on how many people are on the server.

Then there's Last Man Standing which gives you a limited number of lives. The first player to lose all their lives is out and the remaining players keep going until there's only one player left. And don't forget about the old dependable Capture the Flag.

Level design, on the whole, is excellent. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor levels to master. The new maps are very good – my favorite is Face2 (which is a variant of Facing Worlds from UT). Sometimes dominating a level is a matter of figuring out where the choke points are and exploiting them. Domination and Assault levels offer a variety that wasn't seen in FPSs before UT and they're still tons of fun. (Who can forget the first time they attempted the beach invasion?) It's plain as day that the levelers are a very creative bunch of people that know how to design interesting and tension filled challenges. Many new levels are included in GOTYE and, even though they aren't part of the regular Tournament circuit, are enjoyable to play. (And if you get tired of the maps, hit the Internet for user created levels.)

Audio is consistently good. It seems that no matter how much action is going on, the sound effects and music are always clear (even with my no-name soundcard). Hearing the announcer exclaim, "MULTIKILL!" never gets old. The chatter adds another dimension to enemy AI. They scream everything that happens including, "I'm hit! I'm hit!" as they explode into pieces.

Fans of UT undoubtedly know that most of the things I've mentioned are available for free on the Internet. UT:GOTYE is not for the fans – it's for new players or people that may have passed up UT on the first run through. There is a reason that UT was selected Game of the Year by multiple gaming publications: (a lot of "F" words coming up) it's fast furious fun for FPS fanatics! The graphics, audio, weapon balance (secondary fire kicks ass!) and creative level design make Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition one of the all time best games of the FPS genre and gaming in general. If you missed it, get it!


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

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قديم 08-10-2008, 06:58 PM   #2 (permalink)
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