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الألعاب الكاملة تحميل احدث واجمل الالعاب الكاملة

حصريا لعبة الفيلم المثير The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep 2008 رابط مباشر

ملخص اللعبة Genre: 3D-Arcade Developer: Atomic Of planet Of entertainment/Blast Of entertainment Minimum system requirements: System: WinXP/Vista Processor: Pentium IV

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قديم 08-21-2008, 09:53 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو مجتهد

el nigm على طريق التميز


ملخص اللعبة

Genre: 3D-Arcade

Developer: Atomic Of planet Of entertainment/Blast Of entertainment

Minimum system requirements:

System: WinXP/Vista

Processor: Pentium IV of 1.3 GHz

Memory: 256 MB (XP) of /1 GB (Vista)

the Video- map: 64 MB, DX9- compatible

the Audio- map: any DX9- compatible

The hard drive: 1 GB

Type of the publication:

Language of the interface: the English + Russian

In Scotland there is the old sign: if on the shore the lake you found uncommon object, adventures wait you in the very near future. Boy on the name Angus about this sign did not know, but therefore it was extremely astonished, when from the gigantic egg, which it brought from the lake, hatched small This incident marked the beginning the turn of surprising events - for the boy, his family, yes even for the dinosaur itself, that received name

For you one must grow , save it from the soldiers and let out into the open sea. Touching, good and beautiful history about the present friendship of boy and legendary monster for sure it is necessary on the soul for all amateurs of fairytale adventures.

Special features of the game:

- The adventures of Angus and

- The bright, fairytale and carrying along atmosphere of the magic history

- The good, colorful and memory characters

- The possibility to go for a drive on the spin of the monster

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