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احدث الافلام الكومديه لعام 2008 Who's Your Monkey?

Who's Your Monkey? 2008 DVDRip Bobby Stork, a beer guzzling widower, runs into his old friend Mark Van Houten, an

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قديم 08-25-2008, 11:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Who's Your Monkey? 2008


Bobby Stork, a beer guzzling widower, runs into his old friend Mark Van Houten, an out of work doctor who has resorted to making crystal meth to pay the bills. Bobby discusses Mark's problem with their mutual friends Laith Rukkab, an uptight guy who's packed on a few pounds but somehow lucked into landing a pretty girlfriend and Hutto, a soon-to-be father and the most together out of the four. The...

Genres: Comedy, Thriller and Crime/Gangster

MPAA Rating: R for language, sexual content, some drug material and violence. .

Starring: Scott Grimes, Jason London, Scott Michael Campbell, David DeLuise, Kevin Durand

Directed by: Todd Breau

Produced by: Thomas Fink, Hall Risk, Randolf L. Turrow


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