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VidMorph Pro

VidMorph Pro برنامج عمل فيديو من الصور يمكنة دمج الصور والتعديل عليها لعمل فيديو من مجموعة من الصور بشكل

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قديم 09-18-2008, 05:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
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mostafagaber على طريق التميز


VidMorph Pro

برنامج عمل فيديو من الصور يمكنة دمج الصور والتعديل عليها لعمل فيديو من مجموعة من الصور بشكل رائع برنامج يستحق التحميل

Morphing is a special effect used in the television and film industry to create a smooth transition from one image or video to another by transforming the objects in one into the objects of the other.

VidMorph PRO uses standard film-industry techniques to create smooth, professional morphs on your own computer within minutes, without the need for technical skills or complex animation software.

Create your own exciting music videos and movies. Have fun adding morphing to your personal home movies. Morph pictures of yourself or others at different ages to see how you've aged. Morph your dog into your cat. Animate a series of still images. With VidMorph PRO, the possibilities are endless!

Save your morphs in a variety of popular video formats, including 3GP mobile video, Flash SWF, MP4 video, WMV, MPEG, AVI and more. Take your videos with you on your portable digital video player, ipod or phone, post them on the Internet, or send them to friends.

Release your inner artist and director and you will have endless hours of fun and entertainment with VidMorph PRO.

VidMorph PRO Features
  • Morph video-to-video. morphing technology for professional .video studio
  • Morph Video-to-Image and Image-to-Video. professional morphing technology
  • Morph Image-to-Image, standard morphing feature with powerful quality
  • Multy-morphing, Set series morphs in one morphing project
  • Preview the morph before the final project rendering.
  • Supported input image formats include BMP/DIB/RLE, EMF, GIF, ICO, JPG/JPEG/JPE/JFIF, TIF/TIFF, WMF and others
  • supported input video formats include ASF, AVI, MOV, MPG/MPEG, MP4, WMV and others
  • Crop morphing area, image and video
  • Zoom in on parts of a video, and define a video clip's starting and ending frame.
  • Specify the duration of each morph as well as the duration of the entire output video.
  • Add a sound track for morphing result [hide]http://www.vidmorph.com/VidMorph_PRO/

    Download: | Rapidshare | DepositFiles [/hide][hide]http://rapidshare.com/files/100141480/VidMorph_Pro_v1.1.0.32.rar


mostafagaber غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-06-2008, 03:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
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legend3250 على طريق التميز


machkooooooor akhi lkarim

legend3250 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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