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قسم الموبايل تحميل برامج وثيمات والعاب ونغمات ورنات الموبيل

حصريــــا فيفا 2009 كاملة لجميع اجهزة الموبايلات NoKia للتحميل على اكتر من سيرفر

Step onto the pitch in EA SPORTS™ FIFA 09! Pass, tackle and shoot your way to victory with a game

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قديم 10-01-2008, 01:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
V.I.P Member

oshaa-10 على طريق التميز


Step onto the pitch in EA SPORTS™ FIFA 09! Pass, tackle and shoot your way to victory

with a game that delivers real football action. Control the action with new Side-On View and

beat defenders with precision passing. Execute perfect 1-2 passes, crosses and triangle

pass plays. Set up spectacular headers and volleys. Choose Season Mode or beat the odds

in Challenge Mode. Lets FIFA 09!

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E61-E61i- E62

الملفات كلها بامتداد jar

Game Size : 1.7 Mb
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Uploaded By Oshaa-10

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