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أرشيف المحذوفات هنا تجد المواضيع التالفة و المحذوفة من قبل ادارة المنتدى

The American Way: Marriage

  [1] "I do." To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you

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قديم 12-31-2008, 04:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
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mao0210 على طريق التميز


  [1] "I do." To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you say them

at your WoW Gold,own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans

don't really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business.

  [2] It all begins with engagement. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry

her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by "popping the question" in a

romantic way. Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his

fiancée a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years.

wow power leveling, As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's parties provide

many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of

married life.

  [3] At last it's time for the wedding. Although most weddings follow long-held traditions, there's still room for

American individualism. For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a

scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback! The couple may invite hundreds of people

or just a few close friends. They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony. But some

things rarely change. Cheap WoW Gold,The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white

wedding dress. She traditionally wears "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue". The groom wears

a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid

of honor

  [4] As the ceremony begins, World Of Warcraft gold, the groom

and his attendants stand with the minister, facing the audience. Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants,

followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows. Traditionally, they promise to love each

other "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health". But sometimes the couple has composed their

own vows. They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment. Finally the minister announces the big

moment: "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!"

  [5] At theWoW Gold,wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests.

Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats. Later

the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls. Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will

be the next to marry. During the reception, playful friends "decorate" the couple's car with tissue paper,

World Of Warcraft gold, tin cans and a "Just Married" sign. When the reception is over,

the newlyweds run to their "decorated" car and speed off. Many couples take a honeymoon, a one- to two-week vacation trip, to

celebrate their new marriage.

  [6] Almost aoc gold,every culture has rituals to signal a change in one's life.

Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. So it's no surprise to find many traditions about

getting married... even in America. Yet each couple follows the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own.

The American Way: Marriage

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