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الحب والرومانسية كل مايتعلق بالحب من مشاكل وانواع الحب.وأروع ماقيل فى الحب واجمل قصص الحب الرومانسية

“ABC” and "banana"

  A professor of mine once told a story about when she went to the United States to study.A native Eritrean,

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قديم 12-31-2008, 04:32 AM   #1 (permalink)
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mao0210 على طريق التميز


  A professor of mine once told a story about when she went to the United States to study.A native Eritrean, she had

received a scholarship to pursue a bachelor's degree at an American university. Cheap WoW Gold

, The university organized a trip to Disneyland for her and the other international students. Before the group of

international students went to Los Angeles, the coordinators of the trip informed the students from Africa that they should

wear their "traditional" costumes, not Western-style clothing.Why?The coordinators were afraid that the African students

would be "mistaken" for African-Americans simply because their skin color was also dark.At that time, the 1960s, there was

still much overt racial discrimination against African-Americans.Insgroupsto avoid trouble, Cheap

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, the coordinators wanted to make sure that their African students did not look African-American.

She ended her story by asking us to think about what we thought she was before we had met her. Her last name is Italian;

did we think she was Italian? When we first saw her, did we assume that she was a black American?How much can we really know

about a person based upon hair color, skin color, World Of Warcraft gold, facial structure

or body shape?

Identity isCheap WoW Gold,a difficult subject to discuss because it is so personal, and

it is even more difficult to describe someone's identity clearly in a country like the USswheresjust about everyone's family

came from somewhere else. My professor, until she left Eritrea, always considered herself Eritrean.When she got to America,

however, people looked at her and saw a black woman, not an Eritrean woman. Similarly, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese people

come Cheap WoW Gold,to the US and are often just called "Asians".Appearance is used as the

main condition for identity, although appearances can be quite deceiving.

 Is there a difference between a Chinese person born in China and a person born in the US to parents from China?Most people

would agree that there is.There are certain phrases that people frequently use insgroupsto define the Chinese-American

identity. The two most commonly heard terms are "ABC", World Of Warcraft gold, meaning an

American-born Chinese, and "banana".The former is often considered an acceptable label for people of Chinese descent born in

the US; in Canada there is the corresponding term "CBC" for Canadian-born Chinese.The second term, banana, is usually

regarded World Of Warcraft gold,as derogatory or offensive, and it refers to someone who is

"yellow" on the outside but "white" on the inside.

The phrase ABC is used so commonly that many people think it is an appropriate description of Chinese-Americans.However,

the phrase hides what I think is a very dangerous belief about identity. Identity is developed and learned, not given at

birth.To say that someone is an American-born Chinese is to suggest that if that person were born anywhere else in the world,

age of conan gold, he/she would still be fundamentally Chinese because Chineseness, the

quality of being Chinese, is inherent in this person.It implies that an ABC is Chinese first and just happened to be born in

the United States.Yet being Chinese is not an inherent quality that one person has simply because he or she looks Chinese.

Just about every Chinese-American recognizes that there are huge differences in personality, behavior and physical appearance

between buy WoW Gold,themselves and their native Chinese counterparts.

 These differences are what the term "banana" addresses.Bananas are yellow-skinned but with white insides - for people, this

is meant to describe individuals who look Chinese but whose "insides", that is, their behavior and personality, are

"white".But this also carries a demeaning and offensive undertone: that these people are only half-real, they are neither

completely Chinese nor actually white. Even worse, the term is sometimes used to suggest that Chinese-Americans really wish

that they were white.Being white, of course, is assumed to mean being American, which is a third misconception.Not all

aoc power leveling,Americans are white, and in

not too many years the majority of the population in America won't be white (i.e. of purely European descent) at all.

Identity for everyoneis a matter of experience and circumstance, not skin color or general appearance.What terms like ABC

and banana ignore is that being Chinese-American constitutes a very real identity in its own right.Chinese-Americans are not

necessarily caught between the East and the West.The Chinese-American identity is one that has developed over many

aoc power leveling,generations in the US (since the 1840s), but one that can

also be shared by recent immigrants and their families.It is important because it is different, because it is the product of

blending social And cultural influences, and these differences should be recognized and not brushed aside.

“ABC” and "banana"

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