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الأفلام الأجنبية تحميل احدث الأفلام الأجنبية المترجمة

brings modesty

The importance of friends “Sometimes in life , you find a special friend ,someone who changes you life just by

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قديم 01-03-2009, 09:32 AM   #1 (permalink)
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liwenjuan011 على طريق التميز


The importance of friends

“Sometimes in life , you find a special friend ,someone who changes you life just by being

part of it”, I belive that many of us here have been familiar with this famous poem.

Actually everyone needs friendship in this world filled with competition to have a share in

your success, to comfort his heart , and to support him out of difficulties, just as no one

can sail the ocean of life single handed

As human beings , theWoW Gold more deluxe animal with

social characters , we inherit the instinct of communication and cooperation to work

together with others , to share feelings with someone , and to enter into the abundant life

in a collectivity .Therefore we need friends to make up our life and to perfect it .For

instance ,my favorite sport is football ,and I have many good friends who often play it

together .When we enter the game , everyone of us struggle to perform better and enjoy game

. Just imagine the wow power levelingfeeling of happiness

after working with your friends through thick and thin , imagine the collective joy instead

of rejoicing alone, we can never get it without our friends .Our friends are just like the

magnifying glass ,which magnify the enjoyment and let us get more fun.

Definitely , a friend not only shares your happiness, he also shares your sorrow. When you

are down and the world seems dark and empty , your friend lifts you up and makes the sky

above your head suddenly Cheap WoW Goldseem bright and

full. Now we are college students, we no longer live under the protection of our parents ,

and many things need to be done by ourselves. Thus it result in some unexpected problems


What makes it worse ,

not everything is resoluble just lean on ourselves, then friends’ help may be most timely

.Maybe the help is little ,such as a warm-hearted word ,a pure-hearted smile ,a short

journey accompanying you and so on ,but the sincerely emotion is true and impressive, no

matter you have met himWoW Gold before or not. I

still remember the first day when I came to my college , it was a senior who guide me to my

dormitory , show me around the school , and gave me some tips about how to live out college

life .Though I don’t know his name , I will remember his good behavior forever.

A friend is like an umbrella in

the rainy days , you may walk and suffer the hurt in your heart alone without him. Just

because of you and me ,

World Of Warcraft goldbecause of

every one who bring happiness to others , our life have become beautiful and full of

sunshine . Every time I heard the song “Encounter is a song” , the impressive feeling of

friendship will come to my mind .Making friends has nothing to do with distance , and the

value of friends isWoW Gold not related to substantial

commitment .The beauty of friendship lies in the sensation between heart and heart.

In a word , a friend is someone who makes you laugh and forget the heart-struck things

,someone who convinces you that there is really good in the world .Walking along the road

,you may come across many things and many people ,you may encounter someone who you want to

know or who wants acquaint aoc goldyou .Friendship may

appear everywhere, and you mayyou’re your friends at any moment .

After thinking and imagination drive away loneliness and the balance of soul brings modesty

and tolerance , the human nature will have more mildness , the world will become more and

more harmonious , and our life will be more beautiful .

With equal passion I have

sought knowledge.World Of Warcraft gold I have wished

to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried

to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of

this, but not much, I have achieved.

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