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قسم الموبايل تحميل برامج وثيمات والعاب ونغمات ورنات الموبيل

حصرياا برنامج يعرفك انت فى اى شارع واى منطقة واخبار الطقس Wayfinder Active With External GPS Support 1.32 (S60v3 Java)

حصرياا برنامج يعرفك انت فى اى شارع واى منطقة واخبار الطقس Wayfinder Active With External GPS Support 1.32 (S60v3 Java)

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قديم 02-09-2009, 01:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو شرف !!

DJ_ MaDo على طريق التميز

Thumbs down

حصرياا برنامج يعرفك انت فى اى شارع واى منطقة واخبار الطقس Wayfinder Active With External GPS Support 1.32 (S60v3 Java)

طبعا البرنامج مش محتاج شرح واغلب الموبيلات يعمل عليها ومميزاتة كثير يعنى هتعرف انته فى اى شارع واى منطقة والاماكن الزحمة وسرعة الرياح واخبار الطقس ومميزات اخرى كثيرة

You record your route or training trail with just a click. Afterwards an e-mail is sent to you with the statistics and a map displaying your route.

The service is connected to mobile internet when you have coverage. If needed, for example when hiking on the mountain, you can preload the route on the phone memory. In other words – the application will always work!

Wayfinder Active includes the following unique features: Wayfinder Active is a free GPS service for mobile phones with a unique combination of maps, GPS recording and statistics, all designed for active people. With this service on your mobile, you get access to a world wide map and terrain maps for selected countries.

Detailed statistics: Maximum, current and average speed. Distance, calories burned, altitude info and much more.

Download routes and tracks from activeoutdoor.com directly to your mobile application. If you find an interesting route on the activeoutdoor.com community, just download it to your mobile and get going!

Planning: You can plan your own routes on activeoutdoor.com or with Wayfinder Active and download them to your mobile phone before starting your outdoor activity.

Compass: Find your way...

Reverse route: Are you lost and want to get home fast? Just click “Reverse route” and go back the way you came.

Search for closest routes: Looking for a running track or a mountain bike trail? Just search your surroundings, make a choice and you’re on your way






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