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FiFa 2010 StoleN VerSioN -- النسخة المسروقة فيفا 2010 بحجم 24 mb

Poster ReVieW On the heels of winning 25 international gaming awards with FIFA 09, the top-selling football franchise from EA

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-19-2009, 06:53 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو جديد

zahota على طريق التميز




On the heels of winning 25 international gaming awards with FIFA 09, the top-selling football franchise from EA Sports is surpassed with FIFA 10. Responding to consumer feedback from more than 275 million online games played, FIFA 10 refines an already potent game engine, focusing on what matter most to fans.

On the pitch, critical gameplay fundamentals have been enhanced to ensure that FIFA 10 mirrors real-world football, providing more sophisticated ball control, and physical interaction. On attack, players now analyse space more effectively, curve their runs in an attempt to stay onside, create passing lanes naturally, and drive for more variety in attacking options. On defense, new concepts like position priority enable defenders to multitask so dangerous spaces left open by teammates out of position are covered. Plus, slide tackle targeting, press marking, and better urgency clearance logic provide new options that make defending a tactical skill in FIFA 10.

Three new innovations change the player control experience in FIFA 10. The first-ever true 360-degree dribbling system gives players finer control of the ball, enabling them to find spaces between defenders that previously were not possible. Using an all-new animation technology, skilled dribblers now have the ability to face the defender and use highly responsive lateral dribbling to skip past him. An innovative concept called Freedom in Physical Play enables players to perform wider dribble touches and new collision sharing creates a varied, less predictable, and extended fight for possession between the dribbler and a defender.

A deeper iteration of the ever-popular Manager Mode features more than 50 major improvements, including new match realism, ultra-realistic player transfers based on multiple decision points, and true-to-life player growth curves.


PaRt 1

PaRt 1 "NeW LinK"

PaRt 2

PaRt 3

PaRt 4



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