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حمله الشعب المصري لمساندة منتخبنا الوطني في الفيفا واظهار حقيقة الجزائريين

التوبيك دا عباره عن مسانده من الموقع للمنتخب المصرى والشعب المصرى .. مما حدث من اعتدائات . وكل شىء حدث

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قديم 11-25-2009, 02:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو ذهبى

dager على طريق التميز


التوبيك دا عباره عن مسانده من الموقع للمنتخب المصرى والشعب المصرى .. مما حدث من اعتدائات . وكل شىء حدث .

الموضوع عباره عن اننا هنبعت للفيفا شكوى بلى حصل عشان دا هيتحط فى الملف الى اتحاد الكوره هيبعتوا .وطبعا كلنا فاكرين الازازه بتاعت ماتش زيمبابوى .. الى الفيفا لغى الماتش بتاعنا وخلاه يتعااد وخسرنا الماتش دا ..

ندعى لربنا اننا يحصل نفس الموضوع .. بس مش هنحوط ادينا ع خدنا .. اكيد لازم نعمل حاجه .. واكيد ربنا مش هيسيبنا .

بس احنا نعمل الى علينا ..

وهى دى مهمتنا ....

هذة هي طريقة الشكوي التي لن تستغرق أكثر من دقيقة

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او اى فيديو بيوضح ويفضح الى حصل هناك .


النصوص الى ممكن تحوطها فى مكان الرساله .

What happened in the match between Egypt and Algeria established in the Sudan from the terrorism of the masses of Algeria and the instigation of the Algerian football federation event does not belong to football and inconsistent with the policy of fair play from FIFA and declared that the first thing that happened before the game to break into the Algerian public to pitch and what happened in the Algerian football players before the match and during the national anthems of both teams and terrorism suffered by the Egyptian public before and after the game in Sudan and Algeria, all this has had a clear impact on the outcome of the game, so please FIFA reported undertaking the appropriate decision to write off the Algerian national team or a re-match behind closed doors

او الرساله دى .

To the International Federation of football

We urge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the

World Cup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics, and

attacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons like

knives and machetes

And we have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problems

Thank you so much

ودي صيغة تالتة

Hey all of you , Fifa Signture is My game is Fair play and what algeria

did today in the match with Egypt is not fair play First :they Stormed

the field before the match , they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players

, they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : they

through fire into the field during the match Third : they stopped the

Egyptian buses in sudan and hit egyptian people and some of them was

killed or Permanently injured so , it was no a fair game and what all

we need is to rescue us and rescue what Fifa What are trying to be

applied in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The Best

Youth World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the World

Cup and re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egyptour game

is fair play

thanks Great Fifa

7- اكتب الكلمه التى فى الصوره

8- ثم اضغط على (submit)


ماحدش يقول مش هتعمل حاجه ..

اعملوا دا وان شاء الله الحق عمره مابيضيع .

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dager غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-25-2009, 03:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
مراقب سابق !
الصورة الرمزية Samurai

Samurai على طريق التميز


تسلم ايدك

لكن بص هنا




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