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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

الاصدار الاخير من البرنامج العملاق فى تصميم الشعارات والتوقيعات برنامج صنع الشعار Stu

برنامج صنع الشعار Studio V5 LogoMaker 3.0 ogoMaker is an innovative and easy to use product that makes it possible

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قديم 01-20-2010, 10:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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batman1991 على طريق التميز


برنامج صنع الشعار Studio V5 LogoMaker 3.0

ogoMaker is an innovative and easy to use product that makes it possible for any business owner to design professional business logos, create advertisements, design nice page headers for a web site and other identifying graphics in just minutes. The easy to use features of LogoMaker include hundreds of fully modifiable logo templates and objects categorized by industry and interest, high quality graphical engine, creative tools and special effects. In LogoMaker you can work with Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Perspective Text types. All options and effects that can be applied on the images (such as Shadow, Transparency, Blur, Emboss, Gradient, Hue, etc.) can also be applied on text and shapes. However, some additional effects can be applied only on text and shapes, such as: Outline, Character Spacing, Character Angle etc.

LogoMaker contains a library of 2500 objects and 800 shapes. Of curse, in addition to using built in objects, you can import any images from your hard drive and include it in your logo. More than 30 effects and plug-ins (such as Transparency, Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Hue, Jitter, Pixelate, Sharp, Swirl, Warp, Water etc.) can be applied on all objects, shapes and images. The picture on the left shows one object with several effects applied on it, as well as some effects applied on shapes.

LogoMaker enables you to make your own logo by modifying existing templates or by using the library of objects. Simply by using the drag & drop technique, you can add objects, shapes or text from the library of 1800 objects onto the canvas. Flexible Graphical Engine enables you to manipulate with chosen objects (rotate, size, cut, copy, undo, redo etc.) while more than 30 effects (blur, transparency, shadow etc.) will enable you to adjust objects to your needs. The picture on the left illustrates how to make more than one professionally looking logo by using 4 objects.


- Over 500 professionally designed and fully modifiable logo templates categorized by industry and interest.

- Over 2500 objects and shapes for making logos.

- Easy to use, drag & drop, graphical engine for image and text manipulation: scale, rotate, align, groups, layers etc.

- Vector-based Shape editor to create and customize your own shapes.

- Over 30 effects for object and text editing such as Shadow, Transparency, Brightness, Blur, Gradient, etc.

- Plug-ins for adding special effects such as Jitter, Pixelate, Sharp, Water etc.

- Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Outline and Perspective Text

- Full screen editing

- Export to PDF, JPG, TIF and other file formats

- Professional, Creative, Refined & Designer fonts included

- The built in Internet browser for accessing new objects, templates, 40,000 free fonts, 100,000 free pictures, etc.

برنامج يقوم بتصميم وتعديل الشعارات، يمكنك بواسطة هذا البرنامج تصميم شعارات بجودة عالية حيث يحتوي البرنامج على مكتبة تحتوي 2500 أشكال وأجسام مختلفة

ويمكن التحكم في الشفافية والظل والكثير من المزايا ..



batman1991 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-20-2010, 09:17 PM   #2 (permalink)
Stars Downloadiz2 !

دودى الحب على طريق التميز



دودى الحب غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-25-2010, 09:24 PM   #3 (permalink)
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الشيخ ماهر على طريق التميز


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الشيخ ماهر غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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