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Guitar Pro 5.2 full +serial key 4-02-2010

Guitar Pro 5.2 full +serial key 4-02-2010 Guitar Pro 5.2 The biggest and oldest Guitar Pro topic. Look: over 120

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قديم 02-19-2010, 02:52 AM   #1 (permalink)
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vitasidc على طريق التميز


Guitar Pro 5.2 full +serial key 4-02-2010

Guitar Pro 5.2

The biggest and oldest Guitar Pro topic. Look: over 120 pages! Be sure you'll find what are you looking for! Absolutely reliable!!!

-Guitar Pro and Keygen (or Serials) for Windws and Mac

-RSE (Guitar-Bass-Drums)

-Over 123.000 tabs

-All the info you need!!! (with Pics and Samples)

All checked with Kaspersky, Avast and Spyware Doctor: completely virus and spyware free!!

Guitar Pro is a multitrack tablature editor for guitar, banjo and bass. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro is a useful resource for guitarists from beginner to experienced levels to progress , compose , or simply accompany themselves.

Powerfull; Simple and Intuitive Editor

Scores for Everybody

Known for its ease of use, Guitar Pro allows you to easily and intuitively enter notes by using keyboard keys, mouse clicks on a fretboard or directly a MIDI instrument.

Guitar Pro can handle up to 256 tracks and supports 4- to 7-strings instruments as well as percussions. It is even possible to enter non-guitar tracks

A well-designed interface

The numerous toolbars available allow you to quickly access the most important features.

With multitrack/monotrack display, horizontal or vertical scrolling, the screen display adjusts to your preferences and score types.

A Complete Workshop for the Guitarist

The Chord Diagram Generator

The chord diagram generator allows you to easily add chord diagrams to your score, but it is also a unrivalled reference tool for the guitarist.

Ask for any chord in any tuning and Guitar Pro will show you every diagram possible.

Create a chord diagram by clicking on the grid, and Guitar Pro will give you all the corresponding names.

A must-have tool for learning and composing!

Technical Specifications


* Tablature editor for 4, 5, 6 and 7 strings

* Possible edition and printing in standard notation

* Multitrack score (256 tracks for instruments and percussion)

* Drum notation


* Full-screen entering

* Vertical or horizontal scrolling of the score

* Multitrack display

* Quick and intuitive interface (buttons, hints, shortcuts, etc.)

* 100% configurable display of the score (size, fonts, colors, etc.)

* Automatic display of the rhythm and bar break/length regarding note durations

* Proportional or non-proportional display of the rhythm (selection of the coefficient)


* Note duration management

* Various effects (bend, slide, vibrato, grace notes, ghost notes, harmonics, etc.)

* Repeat open, repeat close and alternate endings

* Support for triplets (3 or 4 notes), quintuplets, etc.

* Time signature management

* Assistant window for percussion sounds

* Lyrics support

* MIDI Input


* Professional-quality printing of the score

* Multitrack printing of the tablature or tablature & standard notation

* 100% configurable printing of the score (size, fonts, proportions, area, elements, etc.)

* Print preview


* Playback of the score (via MIDI interface), with guitar effects (bend, etc.)

* Tunings library with the possibility to tune each string independently

* Selection of the tempo

* Selection of the instrument, volume, pan, chorus and reverb for each track

* 12 strings guitar simulation

* Triplet feel playback

* Possibility to insert mix table change events (tempo, volume, instrument, etc.)

* Mix table in real-time


* Multitrack MIDI importation with quantization (formats 0/1)

* Optimized fingering for the MIDI importation

* MIDI exportation of selected tracks

* Recognition of the rhythm for the ASCII importation (or imposed rhythm)

* ASCII Import & Export

* WAVE Export

* BMP Export (Bitmap Image)

Various Features

* Transposition

* Digital Guitar Tuner

* FretBoard

* KeyBoard

* Scales Tool

* Speed Trainer assistant (play a part of the score in a loop increasingly faster)

* Automatic arranging of bar lengths

* Automatic fingering assistant


* gtp, gp3, gp4, gp5




* MusicXML

Minimal Requirements (MIDI Playback)


Puce Windows?® 98SE/2000/XP/Vista Windows 98SE/2000/XP

Puce Administrator rights for installation

Puce Pentium 500 Mhz

Puce 128 MB RAM

Puce Sound card - CD-ROM drive

Puce 35 MB free hard disk space

RSE Requirements (Audio Playback)


Puce Windows?® 98SE/2000/XP/Vista Windows 98SE/2000/XP

Puce Administrator rights for installation

Puce Pentium 4 - 1.7 Ghz ou sup

Puce 512 MB RAM

Puce Sound card - CD-ROM drive

Puce 700 MB free hard disk space.

download link:


have fun......

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