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Farming Extreme Manager 3.42

Farming Extreme Manager 3.42 With Farming Extreme Manager you can: - Automatically Harvest, Plow and Plant your farm! - Automatically

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قديم 02-19-2010, 03:05 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو جديد

vitasidc على طريق التميز

Red face

Farming Extreme Manager 3.42

With Farming Extreme Manager you can:

- Automatically Harvest, Plow and Plant your farm!

- Automatically Collect from your Animals!

- Automatically Harvest your Trees

- Automatically Acomplish Ribbons!

- Automatically help every neighbor and fertilize their farms!!!

- Level Up Really Fast using the plow/plant/destroy trick! (Up to 80.000 exp per day!)

- Automatically repeat everything indefinately!

(you can plant multiple times while you sleep. The application will close every pop-up message that shows up and even reloads your farm in case of an out-of-sync error)

cradit to FileHostFactory.com

im just copy and share...


vitasidc غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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