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particleIllusion برنامج مؤثرات الفيديو والغرافك المذهله

برنا اضف اجمل المؤثرات الى فيلمك او صورك مع particleIllusion 3.03 برنامج صرعة وغير شكل بيخليك تعمل حاجات مبدعة مع

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قديم 03-05-2010, 11:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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welek على طريق التميز


برنا اضف اجمل المؤثرات الى فيلمك او صورك مع particleIllusion 3.03 برنامج صرعة وغير شكل بيخليك تعمل حاجات مبدعة مع افلامك او صورك Add Effects to Video or ImagesFrom feature film to home video, Adding effects to existing footage (movies or images) is the most common use of particleIllusion. Load your footage, select effects from the existing libraries of over 1500 emitters, adjust any parameters to customize (if needed), then render.Create Motion Graphics ElementsIf you do motion graphics work, particleIllusion is an amazing source of artistic elements for your compositions. There are literally hundreds of different abstract emitters that you can combine in countless ways, and you can always customize the effects in any way needed, for an endless supply of elements.Build Custom Animated BackgroundsIf you ever use pre-rendered artistic footage collections for backgrounds, why not use particleIllusion instead? There are dozens of existing emitters that were designed for backgrounds, and many, many more that can be used that way as well. Each are completely customizable, so you can create fresh looks with very little effort -- no more being stuck with what the footage collection contains.Distort Video or ImagesparticleIllusion particles have the ability to grab colors from background footage, resulting in many different types of effects that typically require other types of applications, filters, or plug-ins. Simulate water ripples, blurs, artistic brushstrokes, mosaics -- even "disintegrate" people and objects (an advanced technique that requires a little more work than other effects). Another great use for the powerful particleIllusion 3.0 engine!Create Art (and Have Fun!)particleIllusion 3.0 is so easy to use, and provides so many beautiful emitters (effects), that it's a great creative tool. Don't have any video clips that need effects added? Don't do motion graphics work? Just use particleIllusion to create art! One of the most common comments we hear from customers is that creating and modifying emitters is a lot of fun -- when is the last time you said that about using a graphics application?الرابط

welek غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-07-2010, 12:04 AM   #2 (permalink)
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