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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.462حصريا اقوى برنامج حماية

avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.462 avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.462 is released. avast! is an antivirus set that is able to detect

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قديم 03-13-2010, 11:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو جديد

thestar4sky على طريق التميز


avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.462

avast! Free Antivirus 5.0.462 is released.avast! is an antivirus set that is able to detect the presence of viruses in computers. It has a powerful antivirus kernal that has a boot-time scan, improved resident protection, heuristic analysis for email, and a script blocker. The program works great as a on-demand and/or resident virus scanner. The skinable interface is easy to use for any user

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