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لعبه مملكه الخواتم لعبه وهم The Lord of the Rings : The Rise of The Witch King

The Lord of the Rings : The Rise of The Witch King PC | English | EA LA | 2006

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-19-2010, 07:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو جديد

zekocalls على طريق التميز


The Lord of the Rings : The Rise of The Witch King

PC | English | EA LA | 2006 | RS HF | 4.21 GB

The Rise of the Witch-king tells the story of the evil Witch-king's rise to power, domination of Angmar and invasion of the great kingdom of Arnor, home to Aragorn’s ancestors.

Minimum System Requirements:

System: Intel Pentium 1.6 GHz or equivalent

RAM: 512 MB

Video Memory: 64 MB

Hard Drive Space: 3000 MB

Other: The game only officially supports cards with ATI (Radeon 8500 or greater) and NVIDIA chipsets, as well as Intel GMA 900 and GMA 950 products. Radeon 9200 PCI, Radeon 9250 PCI and the GeForce 4 MX are not supported.

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