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حصرياً : لعبة كورة كأس العالم الخفيفه Sensational World Soccer 2010 RIP بحجم 16 ميجا فقطعلى اكثر من سيرفر

Sensational World Soccer 2010 RIP كود: ensational World Soccer is a classic 2D style football game featuring 32 international teams.

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قديم 06-15-2010, 04:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو مبدع

M®.Amr على طريق التميز


Sensational World Soccer 2010 RIP


ensational World Soccer is a classic 2D style football game featuring 32 international teams. Compete in the greatest football tournament in the World and lift the Cup! Will you be able to make your team the best one ever?

Here are some key features of “Sensational World Soccer 2010″:

· Realistic world tournament

· 32 International teams

· Compete against a friend in the 2 player mode

· Save and load replays of your greatest goals

· Edit tactics

· Classic 1 button system for easy control!

الحجم : 16 ميجا


M®.Amr غير متواجد حالياً  

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