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حصريا اللعبةالمثيرة Nightfall Mysteries Curse of the Opera على اكثر من سيرفر

Nightfall Mysteries Curse of the Opera I N F O Take on the role of a lowly stagehand in an

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قديم 06-20-2010, 10:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو مبدع

M®.Amr على طريق التميز


Nightfall Mysteries Curse of the Opera


Take on the role of a lowly stagehand in an opera company tasked with solving a deadly mystery! The Opera troupe is invited by the reclusive Count Vladd Vansig III to his small hamlet to perform a special Opera for him. Strangely, there are no villagers to speak of except for the Count and his caretaker. Over the course of the night, people go missing and are killed! Use your Hidden Object skills to find out the identity of the killer and escape the village alive in Nightfall Mysteries - Curse of the Opera!


System Requirements

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista

Memory: 512 MB

DirectX: 7.0

CPU: 1.0 GHz


MULTI upload به اكثر من سيرفر


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