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Elvis Presley - 50 Australian Top Ten Hits - 2010

Elvis Presley - 50 Australian Top Ten Hits - 2010 2CDs / Rock n Roll / MP3 VBR / 160M

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قديم 07-02-2010, 10:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
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anonyms على طريق التميز


Elvis Presley - 50 Australian Top Ten Hits - 2010

2CDs / Rock n Roll / MP3 VBR / 160M

Artist...............: Elvis Presley

Album................: 50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977

Genre................: Rock & Roll

Source...............: CD

Year.................: 2010

Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520

Codec................: LAME 3.97

Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III

Quality..............: Standard, (avg. bitrate: 174kbps)

Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz

Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3


1. (00:02:12) Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel

2. (00:02:45) Elvis Presley - Love me tender

3. (00:02:00) Elvis Presley - All shook up

4. (00:01:49) Elvis Presley - (Let me be your) Teddy Bear

5. (00:02:37) Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock

6. (00:02:52) Elvis Presley - Don\'t

7. (00:02:17) Elvis Presley - Wear my ring around your neck

8. (00:01:55) Elvis Presley - Hard headed woman

9. (00:01:52) Elvis Presley - I got stung

10. (00:02:40) Elvis Presley - (Now and then there\'s) A fool such as I

11. (00:02:16) Elvis Presley - A big hunk of Love

12. (00:02:21) Elvis Presley - Stuck on you

13. (00:03:18) Elvis Presley - It\'s now or never

14. (00:03:10) Elvis Presley - Are you lonesome tonight?

15. (00:02:04) Elvis Presley - Wooden heart

16. (00:01:55) Elvis Presley - Surrender

17. (00:02:10) Elvis Presley - (Marie\'s the name) His latest flame

18. (00:02:34) Elvis Presley - Little sister

19. (00:03:00) Elvis Presley - Can\'t help falling in Love

20. (00:02:28) Elvis Presley - Good luck charm

21. (00:02:12) Elvis Presley - She\'s not you

22. (00:02:11) Elvis Presley - Return to sender

23. (00:01:50) Elvis Presley - One broken heart for sale

24. (00:02:23) Elvis Presley - (You\'re the) Devil in disguise

25. (00:02:08) Elvis Presley - Bossa Nova Baby

26. (00:02:28) Elvis Presley - Viva Las Vegas

27. (00:03:02) Elvis Presley - Such a night

28. (00:02:15) Elvis Presley - Kissin\' Cousins

29. (00:02:31) Elvis Presley - It hurts me

30. (00:02:26) Elvis Presley - Ain\'t that loving you baby

31. (00:03:20) Elvis Presley - Do the clam

32. (00:02:26) Elvis Presley - Crying in the Chapel

33. (00:02:23) Elvis Presley - (Such an) Easy question

34. (00:02:23) Elvis Presley - I\'m yours

35. (00:02:14) Elvis Presley - Judy

36. (00:03:11) Elvis Presley - If I can dream

37. (00:03:41) Elvis Presley - Edge of reality

38. (00:02:59) Elvis Presley - In the Ghetto

39. (00:04:34) Elvis Presley - Suspicious minds

40. (00:02:49) Elvis Presley - Don\'t cry Daddy

41. (00:02:16) Elvis Presley - Rubberneckin\'

42. (00:03:21) Elvis Presley - Kentucky rain

43. (00:02:39) Elvis Presley - The wonder of you

44. (00:03:33) Elvis Presley - I\'ve lost you

45. (00:02:33) Elvis Presley - You don\'t have to say you Love me

46. (00:02:59) Elvis Presley - Burning Love

47. (00:02:38) Elvis Presley - Separate ways

48. (00:03:22) Elvis Presley - My boy

49. (00:02:53) Elvis Presley - Pledging my Love

50. (00:02:39) Elvis Presley - Way down

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قديم 07-05-2010, 02:43 AM   #2 (permalink)
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