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حصريا الاصدار الاخير من برنامج uTorrent_Turbo_Accelerator_v_1.8.0.0وعلي اكثر من سرفر

uTorrent Turbo Accelerator v أداة خرافه لتسريع التحميل عن طريق برنامج التورنت info: الاداه تعمل فقط علي برنامج Utorrent

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قديم 01-26-2011, 04:39 AM   #1 (permalink)
El 3OmDA
الصورة الرمزية Eng.HeRo0o0o0o0

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uTorrent Turbo Accelerator v أداة خرافه لتسريع التحميل عن طريق برنامج التورنت


الاداه تعمل فقط علي برنامج


يقوم بظبط اعدادت البرنامج كي تصل لاقصي سرعة ممكنة اثناء تحميل الملفات

uTorrent Turbo Accelerator is a newly added software in the family of the popular p2p client uTorrent plug-ins. The highly developed architecture behind this app allows you to download movies, music, games and other files you want at the highest possible speed. With uTorrent Turbo Accelerator not only the bandwidth of your Internet connection is managed noticeably with more efficiency but you will have the advantage of locating more sources to download from.

If uTorrent is your client of choice than uTorrent Turbo Accelerator should be your add-on of choice: it’s that .

Let’s admit it: whatever the speed of your download, you’ll always crave for just a bit more. uTorrent Turbo Accelerator is just that bit.

The program enhances uTorrent’s download features; though powerful, it remains unobtrusive with regard to other activities you might conduct on your PC so you won’t be bothered by it nor will it eat up your resources, so again rest assured.





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