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السياحة و السفر قسم يختص بكل مايتعلق بالمناطق السياحية عبر العالم ومعلومات السفر من فنادق وأماكن ترفيهية

Tourist Car of tourist services and limousine

Tourist Car of tourist services and limousine A general touristic week and domestic sight-seeing, The schedule in Egypt : First

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قديم 05-10-2011, 12:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو جديد

Tourist Car على طريق التميز


Tourist Car of tourist services and limousine

A general touristic week and domestic sight-seeing,

The schedule in Egypt:

First day

Daytime : the Egyptian Museum - Giza Pyramids - Saqqara Pyramids

Evening, sound and light at the Sphinx

Second day

Mosque of Amr Ibn al-Aas

Citadel of Salah al-Din

The doors of Fatimid Cairo

At night, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif mosque , Hussein mosque, Khan al-Khalili

Third day

Leisure day. visit to Dream Land, Dream Park. Media Production City

At night visit the monument of the Unknown Soldier and the grave of late President Muhammad Anwar Sadat

Fourth day

Pharaonic Village during the day, free roundtrip in the city of Cairo,

Cairo Tower at night, dinner in class restaurant

Fifth day

Day visit to the city of Fayoum, where Lake Karun is, seven barmaids,

evening: river evening in floating boats on the Nile

Sixth day

visit to the Alexandria, Montazah Palace, gardens and beautiful beaches of Alexandria

At night, visit to Stanley Bridge, New Corniche, and one of the famous nightclubs in Alexandria

Seventh Day

Qaitbey Citadel, the library of Alexandria

At night, free tour within the city of Alexandria


Mobile: 0103203210

E-mail: touristcar2010@yahoo.com

Website: www.touristcar-eg.com

61 Ibn El Hakam - Gesr el Suez

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