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كلمات أغنية عبد الرحمن الحسيني - That's My Life

Abdelrahman Elhoseny's song - That's My Life - Lyrics Lyrics by : Abdelrahman Elhoseny ====================================== I love this life and

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قديم 01-10-2012, 10:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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RomeoOo على طريق التميز

افتراضي كلمات أغنية عبد الرحمن الحسيني - That's My Life

Abdelrahman Elhoseny's song - That's My Life - Lyrics
Lyrics by : Abdelrahman Elhoseny
I love this life and i love to live i like all things and i like to give
I know every thing that i want to do Yeah , that's my life and that's my rules

Yeah , that's my life that's my dreams and i wanna achieve it
Yeah , that's my time to meet all kinds people that i knew them
Yeah , that's my power honestly and honor my ideas like a fire
Yeah , i am going on , i am going on and never ever feel tired Yeah

I wanna run in desert and jump this can makes me feel freedom
I wanna say this me and i will be some thing and every **** see
I wanna run in desert and jump this can makes me feel freedom

Yeah , that's my life that's my dreams and i wanna achieve it
Yeah , that's my time to meet all kinds people that i knew them
Yeah , that's my power honestly and honor my ideas like a fire
Yeah , i am going on , i am going on and never ever feel tired Yeah

Dance , dance gome on let's dance , feel your freedom and just dance
Dance , dance gome on let's dance , feel your freedom and just dance

My dream is so close , my dream is not so far yeah that's my time and tell me who you are
And i am the one who can touch the stars coz i am out now from a glass jar

Yeah , that's my life that's my dreams and i wanna achieve it
Yeah , that's my time to meet all kinds people that i knew them
Yeah , that's my power honestly and honor my ideas like a fire
Yeah , i am going on , i am going on and never ever feel tired Yeah

أغنية, الحسينى, الرحمن, life, that's, كلمات

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أغنية, الحسينى, الرحمن, life, that's, كلمات

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: كلمات أغنية عبد الرحمن الحسيني - That's My Life
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