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انفراد جديد بداونلودز2 BitDefender Internet Security 10.3 Beta 1 for Windows Vista

BitDefender Internet Security 10.3 Beta 1 for Windows Vista نسخة العملاق تعمل غلى الويندوز فيستا مكافح الفيروسات المصنف الاول عالميا

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قديم 12-08-2006, 01:18 AM   #1 (permalink)
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BitDefender Internet Security 10.3 Beta 1 for Windows Vista

نسخة العملاق تعمل غلى الويندوز فيستا

مكافح الفيروسات المصنف الاول عالميا

ياتي اليوم لمستعملي الويندوز فيستا الرهيبة بنسخة جدية اكثر قوة وتعرفا على اغلب الفايروسات الشهيرة وغير الشهيرة منها

المزيد عن النسخة

Proactive Detection

B-HAVE (Behavioral Heuristic Analyzer in Virtual Environments) emulates a virtual computer-inside-a-computer where pieces of software are run in order to check for potential malware behavior. This BitDefender proprietary technology represents a new security layer that keeps the operating system safe from unknown viruses by detecting malicious pieces of code for which signatures have not yet been released.

Permanent Antivirus Protection

The new and improved BitDefender scanning engines will scan and disinfect infected files on access, minimizing data loss. Infected ********s can now be recovered instead of being deleted.

NEW Rootkit Detection and Removal

A new BitDefender module looks for rootkits (malicious programs designed to control victim computers, while staying hidden) and removes them on detection.

NEW Web Scanning

Web traffic is now filtered in real-time even before reaching your browser, providing a safe and enjoyable web experience.

Peer-2-Peer and IM Applications Protection

Filters against viruses that spread via instant messaging and file sharing software applications.

Full E-mail Protection BitDefender runs on the POP3/SMTP protocol level, filtering incoming and outgoing e-mail messages, regardless of the e-mail client used (OutlookTM, Outlook ExpressTM, The Bat!TM, Netscape®, etc.), without any additional configuration.


The firewall module filters network traffic and controls the access permission of applications connecting to the Internet. In Stealth Mode, your computer is “hidden” from malicious software and *******. The firewall module is capable of automatically detecting and protecting against port scans (streams of packets sent to a machine in order to find “access points”, often in preparation for an attack).

Internet Traffic Control

Defines exactly which incoming or outgoing connections to permit/deny. Defines rules regarding specific protocols, ports, applications and/or remote addresses.

IMPROVED Internet Application Control

BitDefender maintains a database of trusted applications, and informs users whether or not the applications demanding network access are trustworthy, so they can make informed decisions. Alternatively, BitDefender can grant access automatically for trusted applications.

Connection Control

BitDefender lets you see in real-time which programs have opened which connections to the network. You can choose to allow or block them, either permanently or temporarily, by a single mouse click.

Stealth Mode

Malicious individuals or software programs need not find out that your computer even exists, let alone provide services to the network. The Stealth Mode option will stop your machine from responding to attempts to find out which ports are open, or where exactly it is.

NEW Port Scan Detection

The BitDefender firewall module is now able to automatically detect and block port scans. A port scan is a simple way to find out whether or not your computer might be vulnerable; it consists of an attempt at connecting to ports to see if there is any response, much like a burglar trying doors to find one that is open.

Firewall Wizard

The firewall wizard helps users select the security profile which is most appropriate for the setting they are in - at home, in the office or on the go.


The new and improved BitDefender Antispam technology employs remarkable technological innovations which allow it to adapt to new spamming techniques as they emerge, and to “learn” its user’s preferences to block spam while maintaining a very low ratio of legitimate mails tagged as spam.

IMPROVED Adaptive Filtering

BitDefender employs advanced clustering and neural network analysis techniques to classify e-mail based on user preference and emerging patterns in the local collection of e-mails. The antispam Bayesian filter can be trained by the user (by simply classifying some e-mail as spam or legitimate) and is also self-trained, continually developing new filtering criteria based on past decisions.


BitDefender’s new phishing detector keeps your computer clear of malicious e-mails trying to trick you into giving away your bank account information or other sensitive data.

Heuristic, URL, Whitelist/Blacklist, Charset and Image Filters

Five types of filters further refine your control over e-mail. The heuristic filter checks mail for the characteristics of spam. The Whitelist/Blacklist filter rejects mail from known spammer addresses and lets your friends’ mail through. The URL filter blocks mail containing malicious links, while the charset filter blocks mail written in “strange” characters. The image filter decides whether images embedded in e-mails are specific to spam.

Compatibility and OutlookTM Integration

BitDefender antispam is compatible with all e-mail clients. The BitDefender antispam toolbar in Microsoft OutlookTM and Outlook ExpressTM allows users to train the Bayesian filter.


BitDefender monitors and prevents potential spyware threats in real-time, before they can damage your system. By making use of a comprehensive database of spyware signatures, it will keep your computer spyware-free.

Real-Time Antispyware

BitDefender monitors dozens of potential “hotspots” in your system where spyware might act, and also checks any changes made to your system and software. Known spyware threats are also blocked in real-time.

Spyware Scanning and Cleaning

BitDefender can scan your entire system, or just part of it, for known spyware threats. The scan uses a constantly updated spyware signature database.

NEW Privacy Protection

The privacy guard monitors HTTP (web) and SMTP (mail) traffic flowing out of your computer for what might be personal information –such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and other user-defined strings (e.g. bits of passwords).


A configurable anti-dialer prevents malicious applications from running up a huge telephone bill at your expense.

Parental Control

The BitDefender parental control module can block access to web sites, e-mails you deem inappropriate, or the Internet (for certain periods of time, such as when it’s “homework time”), and it can prevent applications such as games, chat, file-sharing programs or others from running.

Web Control

A URL filter enables you to block access to inappropriate web content. A list of candidates for blocking both sites and parts thereof is provided and updated by BitDefender, as part of the regular update process.

IMPROVED Heuristic Web Filtering

Heuristic filters automatically classify web pages based on content and other cues. Instead of relying only on keywords, this approach applies antispam research principles when classifying web pages. Predefined profiles based on user age are provided.

NEW Web Keyword Filter

BitDefender users can now explicitly block all web pages which contain specific words or phrases.

NEW Mail Keyword Filter

Incoming e-mail which contains inappropriate words or phrases can be filtered before reaching the Inbox.

Web Time Limiter

Using the web time limiter, you can allow or block web access for users or applications during specified intervals of time.

Application Control

Any application can be prevented from running. Games, media and messaging software, as well as other categories of software and malware can be blocked in this way. This type of blocking also protects applications from modifications, copying or moving.




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قديم 02-11-2007, 07:33 PM   #2 (permalink)
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