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السياحة و السفر قسم يختص بكل مايتعلق بالمناطق السياحية عبر العالم ومعلومات السفر من فنادق وأماكن ترفيهية

Spa Package @Karlovy Vary

Wonderful Holiday Travel Czech Republic summer 2012 Prague & Karlovy Vary Spas Spa program 1 / weight loss in (09Nights

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قديم 07-03-2012, 01:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
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wonderful travel على طريق التميز

افتراضي Spa Package @Karlovy Vary

Wonderful Holiday Travel

Czech Republic summer 2012 Prague & Karlovy Vary Spas
Spa program 1 / weight loss in (09Nights / 10Days)


Information: MALLETOVA 1141, PRAGUE 9 (ex. STEP) Important place or monument close to the hotel: Located in a residential area outside the centre of Prague, City center - 5km. Nearest exhibition centre: Letnany - 3km. Nearest station/metro: Praha liben - 2km. Nearest airport: Ruzyne - 18km.

Hotel Imperial 4*

The complex spa treatment is not the only thing which can relieve you of sickness and stress. The Hotel Imperial has prepared wellness programs for you which will help you find your physical and mental balance. Our wellness programs bring health, relaxation, and beauty. At the same time, they are important for the prevention of various civilization illnesses.

Special promotion for Individuals & Early Bird Reservations EGP
Package price per person in DBL Standard room until 14 October 2012 12100
Package includes the following 25 items ;
1. Connection Flight Ticket price based including taxes
2. Arrival private Transfer in Prague from the Airport to the Hotel
3. 02 Nights Stay with Breakfast in Prague , 01 night upon arrival @ 01 night before departure
4. 07 Nights Stay on FULL Board in Karlovy Vary Spa
5. Private A/C transfer from Prague Hotel to Karlovy Vary Spa
6. Private A/C transfer from Karlovy Vary to Prague
7. Private Departure Transfer from Prague Hotel to Airport
8. Taxes and commissions
9. Full treatment in the Spa with the following details
Karlovy vary stay& treatment includes:
10. Full boarding
11. welcome drink
12. Medical consultation
13. 16 procedures in a week
14. 2x Thermal Bath
15. 2x Lymfdrainage apparative
16. 2x Full-body Classical or Aroma Massage
17. 1x Aqua Aerobic
18. 3x Swimming
19. 2x Pilates
20. 3x Cinnamon Wrap
21. 1x In-body measuring of physical fat + analysis + consultation of dietary therapist)
22. Free WiFi internet access in public areas
23. Free local transport ticket
24. Free entry in pool, whirlpool bath and sauna (in the evening)
25. All taxes and fees related to your stay

Package DOES NOT include the following
Schenegn Visa fees + needed documents & Insurance for Schengen Visa + needed confirmed & embassy certified bookings .Total Fees of the above is 1500 EGP per visa

Important Note ;
 Flight ticket price is calculated on the current available starting price of 2900 EGP & based on a connection flight on board TURKISH AIRLINES
 This price is restricted & limited to Early booking conditions
 Any raise of the flight price at the time of booking or issuing the ticket will be covered by the clients .

Package is commissionable for Travel Agents

1) Digestive tract disorders
2) Metabolic disorders
3) Diabetes
4) Gout
5) Obesity
6) Parodontosis (Gingivitis)
7) Locomotor system disorders
8) Diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and biliary ducts
9) Oncological convalescents
10) Neurological diseases
11) kidney and urinary tract diseases,
12) nerve disorders, organic nerve diseases,
13) disorders of the digestive system,
14) metabolic diseases and disorders of the endocrine system,
15) diseases of the respiratory tract,
16) skin diseases,
17) diseases of the locomotive system
18) heart and circulatory system disorders
19) locomotive organ diseases
20) gynecological conditions including infertility
21) follow-up oncological care
22) joint disorders
23) diseases of the peripheral nervous system and of the spine
24) with skin diseases
25) it improves conditions with diseases such as diabetes or gout
26) after traumatic incidences and with post-operational conditions
27) We are specialists in treating the Bechterew’s disease

Tel (+2)02-2262 4693 Fax (+2)02-2262 4694
Email - sales@wholiday-travel.com

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