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ؤگل؛¢M Bل؛¢O Sل»° AN TOأ€N KHI MUA Sل؛®M Giao Hأ*ng Thu Tiل»پn Tل؛*n Nئ،i Trأھn Toأ*n Quل»‘c ؤگ/c: 30B ؤگئ°ل»‌ng

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قديم 03-28-2013, 10:25 AM   #131 (permalink)
عضو جديد

hoan8333 على طريق التميز


ؤگل؛¢M Bل؛¢O Sل»° AN TOأ€N KHI MUA Sل؛®M

Giao Hأ*ng Thu Tiل»پn Tل؛*n Nئ،i Trأھn Toأ*n Quل»‘c
ؤگ/c: 30B ؤگئ°ل»‌ng Trung Vؤƒn - Thanh Xuأ¢n - Hأ* Nل»™i
LH: 0466.759.662 Mobile: 0906.226.225 - 090.2277.552

WEBSITE : Alogiare.net

ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera Sport 01

Giأ، bأ،n : 1.500.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m :http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=h2QS0zez47w

Lأ* mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay Sport ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c tأ*ch hل»£p camera, nأ³ sل؛½ luأ´n bأھn bل؛،n ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng giل»‌ phأ؛t ؤ‘أ،ng nhل»› bأھn nhل»¯ng ngئ°ل»‌i thأ¢n yأھu mل»چi lأ؛c mل»چi nئ،i

Thأ´ng sل»‘ kل»¹ thuل؛*t:

- ؤگل»™ phأ¢n giل؛£i: 720 x 480

- Tل»‘c ؤ‘ل»چ quay: 30 fps

- ؤگل»‹nh dang video: AVI

- Mل؛¯t camera 3.2 MP

- ؤگل»‹nh dل؛،ng photo: JPG
- Bل»™ nhل»› trong: 4G

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera Kiل»ƒu dأ،ng mل؛،nh mل؛½, hل»£p thل»‌i trang

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay camera HD Sk 01 Dأ¢y Da

Giأ، bأ،n : 3.000.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/waMKVT6dOr4

ؤگأ¢y lأ* ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ Quay Phim chuل؛©n HD-DV Thل؛؟ hل»‡ mل»›i Khأ´ng thل؛¥m nئ°ل»›c, cأ³ chل»©c nؤƒng nghe nhل؛،c MP3
ؤگأ¢y lأ* mل»™t mأ،y ل؛£nh xem MP3 Hل»— trل»£ cho MP3, WMA, WMV,OGG, vأ* mأ،y nghe nhل؛،c form.This WAV ؤ‘أ£ quaility أ¢m thanh hoأ*n hل؛£o,ؤ‘ل»™ tin cل؛*y cao vأ* xuل؛¥t hiل»‡n tinh vi, mل»›i nhل؛¥t mل»›i thiل؛؟t kل؛؟ thل»‌i trang vأ* cأ،c chل»©c nؤƒng hل»¯u أ*ch lأ*m cho nأ³ rل؛¥t phل»• biل؛؟n trong vأ* exquiste xuل؛¥t hiل»‡n market.

ؤگل؛·c biل»‡t lأ* thiل؛؟t kل؛؟ cل»±c mل»ڈng chل؛؟ ؤ‘ل»™ lل»چc tل؛،p أ¢m mل؛¯t quay phim cل»±c nأ©t lأھn tل»›i 5.0 mp

ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera Ngل»¥y Trang SK 02 Dأ¢y Sل؛¯t

Giأ، bأ،n : 2.500.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/pWTjWr300Jc

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera cأ³ hأ¬nh dأ،ng giل»‘ng y hل»‡t nhئ° chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ nأھn rل؛¥t khأ³ phأ¢n biل»‡t .ئ¯u ؤ‘iل»ƒm khi dأ¹ng ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ lأ* , bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ tل»± ؤ‘iل»پu chل»‰nh gأ³c quay theo nhiل»پu hئ°ل»›ng, thل؛*t linh ؤ‘ل»™ng mأ* khأ´ng lo bل»‹ lل»™. Bأھn trong ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ lأ* mل»™t hل»‡ thأ´ng camera vأ´ cأ¹ng hiل»‡n ؤ‘ل؛،i, bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ dأ¹ng nأ³ trong bل؛¥t kل»³ trئ°ل»‌ng hل»£p nأ*o, giأ؛p bل؛،n thل»±c hiل»‡n hoأ*i bأ£o, hoأ*n thأ*nh tل»‘t cأ´ng viل»‡c nhئ° trong hل»™i hل»چp, ؤ‘أ*m phأ،n kأ½ kل؛؟t hل»£p ؤ‘ل»“ng,……

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ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera JVD 208

Giأ، bأ،n : 2.800.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Vdieo sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Fpb...layer_embedded

Lأ* mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay Sport ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c tأ*ch hل»£p camera, nأ³ sل؛½ luأ´n bأھn bل؛،n ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng giل»‌ phأ؛t ؤ‘أ،ng nhل»› bأھn nhل»¯ng ngئ°ل»‌i thأ¢n yأھu mل»چi lأ؛c mل»چi nئ،i

Thأ´ng sل»‘ kل»¹ thuل؛*t:

- ؤگل»™ phأ¢n giل؛£i: 720 x 480

- Tل»‘c ؤ‘ل»چ quay: 30 fps

- ؤگل»‹nh dang video: AVI
- Mل؛¯t camera 5.0 MP

- ؤگل»‹nh dل؛،ng photo: JPG
- Bل»™ nhل»› trong: 4G

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera Kiل»ƒu dأ،ng mل؛،nh mل؛½, hل»£p thل»‌i trang

ؤگل»’NG Hل»’ CAMERA NGل»¤Y TRANG ؤگل»‚ Bأ€N SR 01

Giأ، bأ،n : 900.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 06 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/dFhBv6fUvCo

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera ngل»¥y trang lأ* mل»™t camera ngل»¥y trang dل؛،ng mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘ل»ƒ bأ*n. Vل»›i kiل»ƒu dأ،ng nhل»ں gل»چn, mأ*u sل؛¯c trang nhأ£, tinh tل؛؟ bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ sل»* dل»¥ng ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng video bأ* mل؛*t mأ* khأ´ng ai cأ³ thل»ƒ phأ،t hiل»‡n ra ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c
Vأ¬ camera chل»¥p ل؛£nh, quay phim cأ³ ؤ‘ل»™ nأ©t cao nأھn rل؛¥t hل»¯u dل»¥ng sل»* dل»¥ng trong gia ؤ‘أ¬nh, an ninh, giأ،o dل»¥c…

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التوقيعWindows Repair
hoan8333 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 03-28-2013, 12:24 PM   #132 (permalink)
عضو جديد

hoan8333 على طريق التميز


ؤگل؛¢M Bل؛¢O Sل»° AN TOأ€N KHI MUA Sل؛®M

Giao Hأ*ng Thu Tiل»پn Tل؛*n Nئ،i Trأھn Toأ*n Quل»‘c
ؤگ/c: 30B ؤگئ°ل»‌ng Trung Vؤƒn - Thanh Xuأ¢n - Hأ* Nل»™i
LH: 0466.759.662 Mobile: 0906.226.225 - 090.2277.552

WEBSITE : Alogiare.net

ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera Sport 01

Giأ، bأ،n : 1.500.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m :http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=h2QS0zez47w

Lأ* mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay Sport ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c tأ*ch hل»£p camera, nأ³ sل؛½ luأ´n bأھn bل؛،n ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng giل»‌ phأ؛t ؤ‘أ،ng nhل»› bأھn nhل»¯ng ngئ°ل»‌i thأ¢n yأھu mل»چi lأ؛c mل»چi nئ،i

Thأ´ng sل»‘ kل»¹ thuل؛*t:

- ؤگل»™ phأ¢n giل؛£i: 720 x 480

- Tل»‘c ؤ‘ل»چ quay: 30 fps

- ؤگل»‹nh dang video: AVI

- Mل؛¯t camera 3.2 MP

- ؤگل»‹nh dل؛،ng photo: JPG
- Bل»™ nhل»› trong: 4G

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera Kiل»ƒu dأ،ng mل؛،nh mل؛½, hل»£p thل»‌i trang

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay camera HD Sk 01 Dأ¢y Da

Giأ، bأ،n : 3.000.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/waMKVT6dOr4

ؤگأ¢y lأ* ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ Quay Phim chuل؛©n HD-DV Thل؛؟ hل»‡ mل»›i Khأ´ng thل؛¥m nئ°ل»›c, cأ³ chل»©c nؤƒng nghe nhل؛،c MP3
ؤگأ¢y lأ* mل»™t mأ،y ل؛£nh xem MP3 Hل»— trل»£ cho MP3, WMA, WMV,OGG, vأ* mأ،y nghe nhل؛،c form.This WAV ؤ‘أ£ quaility أ¢m thanh hoأ*n hل؛£o,ؤ‘ل»™ tin cل؛*y cao vأ* xuل؛¥t hiل»‡n tinh vi, mل»›i nhل؛¥t mل»›i thiل؛؟t kل؛؟ thل»‌i trang vأ* cأ،c chل»©c nؤƒng hل»¯u أ*ch lأ*m cho nأ³ rل؛¥t phل»• biل؛؟n trong vأ* exquiste xuل؛¥t hiل»‡n market.

ؤگل؛·c biل»‡t lأ* thiل؛؟t kل؛؟ cل»±c mل»ڈng chل؛؟ ؤ‘ل»™ lل»چc tل؛،p أ¢m mل؛¯t quay phim cل»±c nأ©t lأھn tل»›i 5.0 mp

ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera Ngل»¥y Trang SK 02 Dأ¢y Sل؛¯t

Giأ، bأ،n : 2.500.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/pWTjWr300Jc

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera cأ³ hأ¬nh dأ،ng giل»‘ng y hل»‡t nhئ° chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ nأھn rل؛¥t khأ³ phأ¢n biل»‡t .ئ¯u ؤ‘iل»ƒm khi dأ¹ng ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ lأ* , bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ tل»± ؤ‘iل»پu chل»‰nh gأ³c quay theo nhiل»پu hئ°ل»›ng, thل؛*t linh ؤ‘ل»™ng mأ* khأ´ng lo bل»‹ lل»™. Bأھn trong ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ lأ* mل»™t hل»‡ thأ´ng camera vأ´ cأ¹ng hiل»‡n ؤ‘ل؛،i, bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ dأ¹ng nأ³ trong bل؛¥t kل»³ trئ°ل»‌ng hل»£p nأ*o, giأ؛p bل؛،n thل»±c hiل»‡n hoأ*i bأ£o, hoأ*n thأ*nh tل»‘t cأ´ng viل»‡c nhئ° trong hل»™i hل»چp, ؤ‘أ*m phأ،n kأ½ kل؛؟t hل»£p ؤ‘ل»“ng,……

ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ camera , ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ quay phim, camera quay trل»™m , camera quay lأ©n, camera ngل»¥y trang , camera mini

ؤگل»“ng Hل»“ Camera JVD 208

Giأ، bأ،n : 2.800.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 12 thأ،ng

Vdieo sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Fpb...layer_embedded

Lأ* mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘eo tay Sport ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c tأ*ch hل»£p camera, nأ³ sل؛½ luأ´n bأھn bل؛،n ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng giل»‌ phأ؛t ؤ‘أ،ng nhل»› bأھn nhل»¯ng ngئ°ل»‌i thأ¢n yأھu mل»چi lأ؛c mل»چi nئ،i

Thأ´ng sل»‘ kل»¹ thuل؛*t:

- ؤگل»™ phأ¢n giل؛£i: 720 x 480

- Tل»‘c ؤ‘ل»چ quay: 30 fps

- ؤگل»‹nh dang video: AVI
- Mل؛¯t camera 5.0 MP

- ؤگل»‹nh dل؛،ng photo: JPG
- Bل»™ nhل»› trong: 4G

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera Kiل»ƒu dأ،ng mل؛،nh mل؛½, hل»£p thل»‌i trang

ؤگل»’NG Hل»’ CAMERA NGل»¤Y TRANG ؤگل»‚ Bأ€N SR 01

Giأ، bأ،n : 900.000 vnؤ‘

Bل؛£o hأ*nh : 06 thأ،ng

Video sل؛£n phل؛©m : http://youtu.be/dFhBv6fUvCo

ؤگل»“ng hل»“ camera ngل»¥y trang lأ* mل»™t camera ngل»¥y trang dل؛،ng mل»™t chiل؛؟c ؤ‘ل»“ng hل»“ ؤ‘ل»ƒ bأ*n. Vل»›i kiل»ƒu dأ،ng nhل»ں gل»چn, mأ*u sل؛¯c trang nhأ£, tinh tل؛؟ bل؛،n cأ³ thل»ƒ sل»* dل»¥ng ؤ‘ل»ƒ ghi lل؛،i nhل»¯ng video bأ* mل؛*t mأ* khأ´ng ai cأ³ thل»ƒ phأ،t hiل»‡n ra ؤ‘ئ°ل»£c
Vأ¬ camera chل»¥p ل؛£nh, quay phim cأ³ ؤ‘ل»™ nأ©t cao nأھn rل؛¥t hل»¯u dل»¥ng sل»* dل»¥ng trong gia ؤ‘أ¬nh, an ninh, giأ،o dل»¥c…

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التوقيعWindows Repair
hoan8333 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 03-30-2013, 09:03 AM   #133 (permalink)
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mulberry outlet She died in 1971 ending one epoch of revolutionary fashion. Her influence however did not pass with her death. Posthumous Assignments came to the fore some years later. In 1974, the House of Chanel launched eau de toilette which was in progress while Coco Chanel was alive In 1978 the 1st non-couture- ready to clothes clothes line was launched. In 1981 Coco Chanel launched their first eau de toilette range for men.In 1983 Karl Lagerfeld was the current label attached apt the fashion house He was the Artistic Director for Coco Chanel Fashion. He carried the Coco Chanel's legacy forward along unbelievable revolutionizing and awful the fashion world. But this time onward changing Chanel's fashion lines from the now-predictable styles to funky cuts and eye catching designs. And the fashion house has not looked back ever. Fragrance Coco was launched in Coco's honor. Fragrance for men,nice Pearl unisex watches,peel care line.. they have been offering something current to the manufacture non stop. Chanel, boutiques, their logo anything is a topic of discussion for fashion lovers and critiques alike.The latest revolution being the the Luxury Line, introduced in 2006 feauturing a metal shackle embedded in leather bags. It's one of the most desired "it" bags for the moment You can actually buy Chanel handbags online that are real and not knock-offs alternatively replicas.Yes, that's right, you can mart Chanel handbags online with the peace of idea that what you are buying ambition not only retention you money yet are the real handle for well.It is well known that Chanel handbags are a very fashionable brand and namely well known for its tall quality and beauteous designs which have spawned many companies apt try and duplicate their form and chart equitable apt pass it off as the real entity The very label Chanel portrays a variety of sophisticated elegance like no additional and the craftsmanship backward every bag and wallet namely exquisite.

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