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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

ArcaVir security suite 2005 من أقوى الأنتى فيروسات واقوى من كاسبر سكاى ادخل وشوف

The offer of MKS company now includes a modern antivirus package - ArcaVir 2005. It includes new elements that guarantee

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قديم 12-17-2006, 12:34 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

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The offer of MKS company now includes a modern antivirus package - ArcaVir 2005. It includes new elements that guarantee the highest level of safety in the Net - already known to the users of mks_vir package: ArcaFirwall, ArcaRegmon registry module, ArcaMail mail module and others. Additionally, a new version of antivirus ArcaEngine module is included, as well as the system analysis module, which allows to make a quick diagnosis, if there is a suspicion of an infection, new heuristic mechanisms, a module detecting phishing attempts and others

Also, we would like to inform our customers that the holders of mks_vir 2005 and ArcaVir 2005 packet licenses will have the possibility to get a free of charge upgrade to the 2006 version, which will be launched for sale at the end of 2005.

ArcaVir contains one of the largest libraries of detected viral definitions currently available. In the event of a threat, it is possible to immediately rate the level of danger and potential losses resulting from the activation of a detected virus.

ArcaVir Antivirus Monitor

ArcaVir Antivirus Monitor is a resident module that in the real time controls all the files executed and saved in the system, as well as used by external devices (e.g. floppy disks).

ArcaVir scanner

ArcaVir scanner is a tool providing a convenient and complete method of checking all the computer resources against virus infections. The program can be easily configured and freely adjusted to your individual needs, preferences and requirements.

ArcaMail mail scanner

The mail scanner is a program that interactively scans electronic mail whether receiving or sending. It can co-operate with any e-mail program via POP3 and SMTP protocols.

ArcaMail uses ainternal driver of the operating system. This solution guarantees high effectiveness (lower computer load) and eliminates the necessity of configuring e-mail accounts in an e-mail client program. ArcaMail has been designed so that it is integrated as part of the operating system.

Automatic Update Module

ArcaVir Update is a tool that allows automatic or manual updates of programs from ArcaVir.


The Firewall included with ArcaVir antivirus program gives you an additional layer of protection. In the age of the Internet, a firewall is a essential part of any computer system, increasing your security and protecting your data from hackers. The ArcaVir Firewall was designed to be easy to use even by inexperienced users, but it was also designed to be highly configurable, and as such, it is a great tool for power users as well.

Registry monitor

Registry Monitor is an application used to control changes in neuralgic parts of the Windows Registry.


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قديم 12-17-2006, 12:56 AM   #2 (permalink)
عضو شرف !!

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قديم 01-05-2009, 09:43 PM   #3 (permalink)
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