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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

مواقع استضافه لرفع الملفات

SendOver Limit of file: 2GB Limit of unloadings: Limitless Life of the file: 7 days (You they erase it if

إنشاء موضوع جديد  إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-23-2006, 06:47 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم



Limit of file: 2GB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 7 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 7 days)

URL: http://www.sendover.com


Limit of file: 1.5GB

Limit of unloadings: 25 Unloadings

Life of the file: 7 days

URL: http://www.filefactory.com


Limit of file: 1.5GB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 25 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 25 days)

URL: http://www.megashares.com


Limit of file: 1.2GB

Limit of unloadings: bandwidth it limits of 100GB

Life of the file: 14 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 14 days)

URL: http://www.sendspace.com


Limit of file: 1GB

Limit of unloadings: 25 Unloadings

Life of the file: 7 days

URL: http://www.yousendit.com


Limit of file: 1GB

Limit of unloadings: 20 Unloadings

Life of the file: 5 days

URL: http://www.transferbigfiles.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.zupload.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days

URL: http://www.spread-it.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)

URL: http://www.filefactory.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.mooload.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 7 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 7 days)

URL: http://www.cyberupload.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.uploading.com


Limit of file: 500MB

Limit of unloadings: 999 Unloadings

Life of the file: 15 days

URL: http://www.snaggys.com


Limit of file: 300MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.bigupload.com


Limit of file: 300MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.rapidupload.com


Limit of file: 300MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 21 days

URL: http://www.sharebigfile.com


Limit of file: 250MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.megaupload.com


Limit of file: 250MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Limitless

URL: http://www.updownloadserver.de


Limit of file: 250MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)

URL: http://www.xtrafile.com


Limit of file: 250MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 10 days

URL: http://www.bonpoo.com


Limit of file: 250MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 31 days

URL: http://www.filecache.de/upload


Limit of file: 200MB

Limit of unloadings: 30 Unloadings

Life of the file: 7 days

URL: http://supload.com/sendfile


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.rapidshare.de


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.mysharebox.com


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.theupload.com


Limit of file: 1 MB

Limit of unloadings: Without it limits

Life of the file: Without day

URL: www.hometown.aol.com


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 10 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 10 days)

URL: http://zshare.net


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.upload.sc

Store and Serve

Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://storeandserve.com


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Limitless

URL: http://bigfileupload.com


Limit of file: 100MB

Limit of unloadings: bandwidth it limits of 500MB per hour

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://quickdump.com


Limit of file: 75MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.easy-sharing.com

I disturb Upload

Limit of file: 70MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.turboupload.com


Limit of file: 60MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 14 days)

URL: http://www.savefile.com


Limit of file: 60MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.filehd.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 60 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 60 days)

URL: http://www.rapidsharing.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.uploadsend.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.uploadfront.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.freeuploader.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)

URL: http://www.momoshare.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.friendlyshare.de


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: 200 Unloadings

Life of the file: 15 days

URL: http://www.orb-z.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.uploadhut.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days

URL: http://www.supashare.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.filehost.ro


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.ushareit.com


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: 1000 Unloadings

Life of the file: 50 days

URL: http://www.sceneworld.net/up


Limit of file: 40MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 21 days

URL: http://www.mytempdir.com

Send File

Limit of file: 40MB

Limit of unloadings: 10 Unloadings

Life of the file: 10 days

URL: http://www.send-file.co.uk


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.ultrashare.net


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 21 days

URL: http://www.uploadtemple.com


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days

URL: http://www.sendmefile.com


Limit of file: 25MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 1 Year

URL: http://upload2.net


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.uploadtown.com


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://a1.11mbit.in


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.refrozen.com


Limit of file: 15MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://keepmyfile.com


Limit of file: 10MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Limitless

URL: http://www.hyperupload.com


Limit of file: 10MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.webfilehost.com

منقول للاهميه


I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

صفحتنا على الفيس بوك :-

Admin غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2006, 07:32 AM   #2 (permalink)
عضو شرف !!

pirate_1012 على طريق التميز


pirate_1012 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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