منتديات داونلودز2

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نسخة Invision Power Board 2.0.4

دة نسخة Invision Power Board 2.0.4 اولا احب اوضح حاجة مهمة اوى لكل من لا يعرفون هذة النسخة لانى اعتقد

إنشاء موضوع جديد  إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-26-2006, 02:17 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


دة نسخة Invision Power Board 2.0.4

اولا احب اوضح حاجة مهمة اوى لكل من لا يعرفون هذة النسخة لانى اعتقد ان الكثير لم يسمع عنها من قبل

شركة Invision Power أطلقت نسختها الأسطورية الجديدة من برنامج المنتديات المنافس للvBulletin .. النسخة تحتوي على إمتيازات يفتقر لها الفي بي

اهم هذة الامتيازات

[PHP variable for session id used in javascript

[Portal] Setting group title missing from titlebar

Moderating team sorted by name instead of display name

[LDAP] New user registration email is missing the new member's name

[AJAX] Ability to enter blank topic title, causing no link to form

Memberlist sorting by name instead of display name

[JS] Syntax error in rte_html.js

[ACP] Broken page span links on email logs pages

[ACP] Deleting task logs was deleting entried newer than x days instead of older than x days

Users can view pinned topics even if permission not to view others topics is set to no

Adding attachmentid tags to topics are not stripped if there are no attachments

[Mods] Moderators cannot use warn panel if ban abilities set to no

[JS] STD Editor, using color selection, cursor jumps to beginning of postarea

[JS] Smilies always inserted at end of post in IE

[Skin] Using 100% of your attachment space does not graphically appears as so

[Skin] Long topic title causes topic options box to fall outside of maintitle div

[Skin] Long PM text causes text to fall outside of My Assistant box

[Skin] Minor skin issue with smilie table with certain settings

[Skin] Two minor skin issues corrected

New lines not parsed in signatures when HTML enabled for signatures

[RSS] Attachments not parsed on export

Manual Upgrade SQL files do not include ibf_cache_store creation query

[ACP] Restricted admins can change members group to a non restricted admin in ACP

[AJAX] Edited by legend not appended to post when AJAX used

[AJAX] Post Icon removed when Quick Edit Used

[Reg] Banned email address is misleading

[Mods] Opening/Closing topic from AJAX forum view does not log moderator action

[Msg] Double line breaks if you use RTE editor and preview a PM

[PM] Line breaks not preserved properly in popup window.

[Mods] Cannot close/open a topic that has been altered by the new topic open/close time settings

[ACP] Login Manager has broken link to export method

[Mods] Member Look-Up Tool does not search display names

[ACP] Admin can pre-register a username that is more than 32 characters, but user can't login with it

[Cal-RSS] No Description set for Calendar RSS Feeds

[ACP] Invalid HTML used when entering forum rules can break the Rules Editing page

[Cal] Deleting default calendar (id 1) results in no calendar access

[ACP] Search for mod logs without entering any search text causes SQL error

[ACP] Recount tool sets last registered member's name instead of display name

[Polls] IP Address not stored when a vote is recorded

Charset hardcoded into lofi page

[Subs] Fixed a broken link in the navigation bar

Fixed hardcoded texts in reported files (New file: lang_tar.php)

[MSG] Fixed defaulted options for save/preview, CC Users flag not showing in Saved Message List

[RSS] Link not properly parsed if HTML is preserved on import

Added in JPE support for thumbnail generation

Non-English characters in bbcode or smilie replacement code do not work in Quick Edit

Size 1 font reverted to 8pt due to popular demand

[RSS] Custom bbcode not parsed when exporting RSS feed

[Mods] Forums drop down menu using Short-Forum jump setting incorrectly

[Chat] Members chatting does not pull correct variable on new installs

[ACP] Hide display name member search field when not enabled

[Mods] Forums drop down menu using Short-Forum jump setting incorrectly

[Chat] Members chatting does not pull correct variable on new installs

[ACP] Hide display name member search field when not enabled

[Posting] Editing topic specifying open/close times does not close topic

[ACP] Bulk Mail, non-html emails display as html

[Search] Some characters return as ? when using My Assistant search

[Mods] Moderator 'After Posting' drop down not properly generated for moderators

[ACP] Copyright Removal component at top of list causes blank Components page

[NEW FEATURE] RSS Feeds now support .htaccess authentication

[ACP] Skin differences report gives SQL error

[Blog] Link on member_bar still using cmd=

[CAL] Ranged events showing a day ahead/behind under some circumstances

[CAL] RSS Feeds blank when they are regenerated on page load

[NEW FEATURE] Ability to set Topic Filtering option per forum in the ACP

[JS] Added ability to enter a blank description through the AJAX topic desc. edit

[ACP] Minor skin issue during login (calling an image at an invalid path)

[RSS] Multiple feeds - not all feeds update properly

[RSS] RSS Import task not logging imports

[RSS] One RSS feed with errors causes updates to all feeds to halt

[RSS] Not all errors returned when an RSS feed reports them

[Warn] Ability to warn users permission setting for mods not preserved properly

Calendar RSS Feeds overwrite one another






I'aM Not Special
, I'aM Just LiMiTeD EdiTion

صفحتنا على الفيس بوك :-

Admin غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-01-2007, 08:27 AM   #2 (permalink)
عضو شرف !!

pirate_1012 على طريق التميز



pirate_1012 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-02-2007, 05:21 PM   #3 (permalink)
عضو نشيط

sofe على طريق التميز



sofe غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-08-2007, 10:03 PM   #4 (permalink)
عضو جديد

sairex على طريق التميز


مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ور

sairex غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
إنشاء موضوع جديد  إضافة رد

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

جديد مواضيع قسم تطوير المواقع

تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

BB code is متاحة
كود [IMG] متاحة
كود HTML معطلة
Trackbacks are معطلة
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Refbacks are معطلة

الساعة الآن 10:15 PM



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