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الألعاب الكاملة تحميل احدث واجمل الالعاب الكاملة

لعبة اجمل من الجميلة قم ببناء مدينتك وناطحات سحاب في city life

http://www.citylife-lejeu.com/downlo..._1280x1024.jpg Build the city of the 21st century with City Life! From superb villas in residential areas to imposing sky

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قديم 01-29-2007, 01:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
عضو نشيط

Marina_Mrmr على طريق التميز



Build the city of the 21st century with City Life! From superb villas in residential areas to imposing sky scrapers in the business district, design, build, and develop the city of your dreams. Provide your citizens comfort and satisfaction by proposing adequate leisure activities and distractions while making sure you are able to generate profits from taxes and duties. You must manage this city efficiently to ensure its development flourishes by resolving the thorny issues of pollution and traffic. Likewise, make sure the different sociocultural groups coexist as harmoniously as possible so that the city remains peaceful and prosperous. City Life is a next-generation City Builder in real-time 3D. Its fully 3D game engine offers a level of detail unprecedented in the City Builder genre. The game boasts highly realistic settings, reflection mapping, a tree engine, dynamic shadowing, and even an immersion mode that enables players to move about the cities with a first-person perspective. City Life offers a unique game experience and a new challenge for City Builder's many fans. In City Life, not only must you take care of your city's infrastructure and development, you must also bear in mind your population's wants and needs. As an urban planning guru, your political role is to make these six socio-professional/social classes coexist as well as possible: The Elite, the Radical chic, the Suits, the Fringes, the Blue Collars, and the Have-Nots.

المميزات :

* City Builder is now fully 3D and has cutting-edge technical effects

* Build your city on any of twenty-two predefined 3D maps and create your own maps with City Life's 3D editors and ******s

* Two Playing Modes: a country mode and sandbox mode

* Ability to zoom to the heart of your city to observe its inhabitants or zoom out to monitor your megalopolis

* Over 250 possible buildings and personalizations

* Six different sociocultural groups with distinct aspirations and needs

* Total building freedom: redefined ergonomics that eliminate the constraints of right-angle grids

الرابط المباشر والسريع جدا :


الكراك :


Marina_Mrmr غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-24-2008, 08:37 PM   #2 (permalink)
عضو موقوف

medo929 على طريق التميز



medo929 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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