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البرامج الكاملة تحميل احدث البرامج الكاملة والحديثة

Super Utilities Pro 7.2 برنامج رائع لحماية وتنظيف وتسريع الجهاز بالكيجن

برنامج ممتاز متعدد الوظائف يجعل الجهاز أكثر أمانا ويحسن من أداء الحاسب ويصحح المشاكل وينظف الريجسترى ويمتاز بسهولة الإستعمال وله

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قديم 02-10-2007, 02:37 AM   #1 (permalink)
• ĞêŋęŘąl MąŋāģęŘ •
الصورة الرمزية Admin

Admin تم تعطيل التقييم


برنامج ممتاز متعدد الوظائف يجعل الجهاز أكثر أمانا ويحسن من أداء الحاسب ويصحح المشاكل وينظف الريجسترى ويمتاز بسهولة الإستعمال وله ميزة تنظيف القرص الصلب وبمسح اى برنامج بالكامل ويمتاز بأنه يجعلك تستعيد ملفاتك المحذوفة ويمتاز كذلك بإزاله السباى وير والتروجانات ويمتاز بخاصية ينظيم الملفات وتسمى عمليةالدفراجمنت وكذلك يحسن الذاكره

ووظائف أخرى كثيره

Super Utilities offers 27 tools for fixing, speeding up, maintaining, and protecting your PC.

Super Utilities - Make your computer run faster, safer, with greater privacy and security. With only a few minutes of tweaking, Super Utilities will optimize the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs.

Super Utilities (for Windows9x/ME/NT/XP/2000/2003) is a collection of tools to fix, speed up, and maintain your PC! These utilities include Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Uninstall Plus, StartUp Manager, Folder Guard, Tracks Washer, Driver Backup, Auto Shutdown, Windows Manager and Process Manager. With a cool and user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use Super Utilities.

- Disk Cleaner. Get rid of junk files on your PC

- Uninstall Plus. Completely uninstall any software

- Hide Folder. Hide your files and folders

- Super Shredder. Securely delete sensitive information

- Windows Manager. Tailor windows to meet your individual needs

- Super Undelete. Recover deleted files

- Auto Shutdown. A complete shutdown, restart, and logoff manager

- File Type Manager. A sophisticated file type management tool

- Spyware Removal. Remove spyware, adware, trojans, and keyloggers

- Memory Turbo. Recover, defragment, & optimize system memory

- Tracks Washer. Cover the tracks you leave behind

- IE Password Manager. Manage passwords and AutoComplete strings of IE

- Super Task Manager. Take control of all running processes

- Windows Tools. Several essential utilities of windows

- Driver Backup. Grab all of your drivers, and store them for you in a safe place

- Super Shell. A unique handy collection of tools

- Registry Cleaner. Clean and optimize your system registry

- Shortcuts Repairer. Find and fix broken shortcuts

- IE Privacy Manager. Manage typed URLS and history items of IE

- SuperMenu Guard. Protect favorite sites and start menu

- IE Protector. Protect the settings of Internet Explorer

- System Information. Gather information about your hardware and software

- Service Manager. Take control of all windows services

- StartUp Organizer. Start-up Windows faster

- Super ExeLock. Password protect your programs

- BHO Cleaner. Remove unwanted browser helper objects

- Folder Analyzer. Find out where all your hard drive space went

Homepage - http://www.superlogix.net

Size: 5.00 MB








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Admin غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2007, 01:03 PM   #2 (permalink)
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rasha_value@yahoo.com على طريق التميز



rasha_value@yahoo.com غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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