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معلومات عن بعض المصارعين رو وسماك دون

اولاً Smack Down باتيستا : Name: Batista Height: 6 foot 5 Weight: 290 pounds From: Washington, D.C. Signature Move: Batista

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-15-2007, 08:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو ماسى

{the rock} على طريق التميز


اولاً Smack Down

باتيستا :

Name: Batista

Height: 6 foot 5

Weight: 290 pounds

From: Washington, D.C.

Signature Move: Batista Bomb

Career Highlights: World Heavyweight Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; World Tag Team Champion; 2005 Royal Rumble winner

كـــريس بنـــــــــوا

Name: Chris Benoit

Height: 5 foot 11

Weight: 220 pounds

From: Atlanta (originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Signature Move: Crippler Crossface

Career Highlights: World Heavyweight Champion; World Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; United States Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; 2004 Royal Rumble Winner; WCW Tag Team Champion, WCW Television Champion; ECW Tag Team Champion

WWE Debut: Jan. 31, 2000

Trained By: Stu Hart

بـــــــــول لنــــــدن

Name: Paul London

Height: 5 foot 10

Weight: 205

From: Austin, Texas

Signature Move: 450 Splash

Career Highlights: WWE Tag Team Champion; Cruiserweight Champion

بــــــوغي مـــــان

Name: Boogeyman

From: The Bottomless Pit

Signature Move: Pump handle slam, Choke bomb


Name: Kane

Height: 7 foot

Weight: 326 pounds

Signature Move: Chokeslam

Career Highlights: WWE Champion; Intercontinental Champion; World Tag Team Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion; Hardcore Champion

كــينج بــــــــــوكر

Name: King Booker

Height: 6 foot 3

Weight: 250 pounds

From: Houston, Texas

Signature Move: Scissors Kick, Book-End

Career Highlights: 2006 King of the Ring, World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion; World Tag Team Champion; WCW Champion; WCW Television Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion

Associates: Sharmell

WWE Debut: June 2001

مــــــــــات هـــــــــاردي

Name: Matt Hardy

Height: 6 foot 2

Weight: 225 pounds

From: Cameron, N.C.

Signature Move: Twist of Fate

Career Highlights: WWE Tag Team Champion; European Champion; Hardcore Champion; Cruiserweight Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion

ري ماســــــــــــــتريو

Name: Rey Mysterio

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 165 pounds

From: San Diego

Signature Move: 619; West Coast Pop

Career Highlights: World Heavyweight Championship (WrestleMania 22, 2006); Royal Rumble winner (2006); Cruiserweight Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion; WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion


Name: Undertaker

Height: 6 foot 10 1/2

Weight: 305 pounds

From: Death Valley

Signature Move: Chokeslam; Tombstone; Last Ride

Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Tag Team Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, undefeated at WrestleMania (14-0)

WWE Debut: Nov. 22, 1990

ننتهي بهذا القدر من Smack Down

في الرد القادم معلومات عن مصارعي الـ Raw

يـــــــــتــــــــــــبـــــــــــــــتع ,,[/B]

{the rock} غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-15-2007, 08:30 PM   #2 (permalink)
عضو ماسى

{the rock} على طريق التميز


ثانياً Raw

جـــــــون ســــينا

Name: John Cena

Height: 6 foot 1

Weight: 240 pounds

From: West Newbury, Mass.

Signature Move: The FU; STFU

Career Highlights: WWE Champion; U.S. Champion

جـــــيف هــــــــاردي

Name: Jeff Hardy

Height: 6 foot 1

Weight: 225 pounds

From: Cameron, N.C.

Signature Move: Swanton Bomb, Whisper in the Wind, Twist of Fate

Career Highlights: World Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; Hardcore Champion; European Champion; Light Heavyweight Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion

WWE Debut: 1993

Trained By: Dory Funk, Jr. Michael Hayes


Name: Edge

Height: 6 foot 5

Weight: 240 pounds

From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Signature Move: Spear

Career Highlights: WWE Champion; World Tag Team Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; WCW U.S. Champion

Associates: Lita

WWE Debut: June 1998

Trained By: Ron Hutchison & Sweet Daddy Siki

رانــــــــدي أورتــــــــــــــــــن

Name: Randy Orton

Height: 6 foot 4

Weight: 245 pounds

From: St. Louis

Signature Move: RKO

Career Highlights: World Heavyweight Champion; Intercontinental Champion

WWE Debut: April 2002

جي تي جي JTG

..::.. لم اجد له صورة ..::..

Name: JTG

Height: 6 foot 1

Weight: 245 pounds

From: Brooklyn, NY

Associates: Shad

WWE Debut: Oct. 16, 2006


..::.. لم اجد له صورة ..::..

Name: Shad

Height: 6 foot 7

Weight: 285 pounds

Associates: JTG

WWE Debut: Oct. 16, 2006

شــــون مايكـــــــلس

Name: Shawn Michaels

Height: 6 foot 1

Weight: 225 pounds

From: San Antonio, Texas

Signature Move: Sweet Chin Music

Career Highlights: WWE Champion; World Heavyweight Champion; Royal Rumble winner (1995 & 1996); Intercontinental Champion; World Tag Team Champion; European Champion

Associates: Triple H

Trained By: Jose Lothario

تـــــــربل اتــــــــــــش

Name: Triple H

Height: 6 foot 4

Weight: 260 pounds

From: Greenwich, Conn.

Signature Move: Pedigree

Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, World Tag Team Champion, European Champion, King of the Ring (1997), Royal Rumble winner (2002)

Associates: Shawn Michaels

WWE Debut: May 1995

Trained By: Killer Kowalski


Name: Umaga

Height: 6 foot 4

Weight: 348 pounds

From: The Isle of Samoa

Signature Move: Samoan Spike

Career Highlights: Currently undefeated

Associates: Armando Alejandro Estrada

WWE Debut: April 3, 2006

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{the rock} غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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