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الرسائل والمسجات اجمل واحدث رسائل الموبايل القصيرة


Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry,

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قديم 02-15-2007, 10:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو سوبر

miko13 على طريق التميز


Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die.


One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life? You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!


Feel good when somebody Miss u. Feel better when somebody Loves u. But feel best when somebody never forgets u.

A friend is sweet when its new?.but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But u know what? Its sweetest when its you.


A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.


If kisses were water, I will give u sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree.If u luv a planet, I will give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I will give u mine.


People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others may forget YOU but never will I.


If I were to be anything in this world?. I?d be ur tears!!!? So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!


If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my ?FRIEND? u r the ?BEST?!!!!!!!!!


A special friend is rare indeed, it beems to be special breed, yes, perfect friends r very few, so lucky I m for having you.


They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person, an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then an entire life 2 forget them.


Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life?s journey we became FRIENDS!


It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them.I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.


In my life I learned how? 2 love 2 smile 2 be happy 2 be strong 2 work hard 2 be honest 2 be faithful 2 forgive but I couldn?t learn how.. 2 stop rembering u.


A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye.


Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending.


U got style, u got ------------appeal, u got the intelligence and u sure got the body. Wait. , wrong number!


Of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of them all.


A ring is round and has no end, that's how long I'll be your friend!!!


The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is always there for you and never let you down


The NHS regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident. Please report to your nearest hospital to be put down. We apologize for any inconvenience.


If you are in trouble, If you need a hand, Just call my number, because I'm your friend!


Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I like you, you're my friend!!!


Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

Those who think that things happen too fast are expected in a k or a post office!


Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories.... of many good things.


You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !


A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it concerns real friendship!!


Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!


No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness and peace, friendship and its warmth ... will bring it to us


There is a big difference between friendship and a ... s last only a while ... but friendship is for ever


I asked God 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. Asked 4 a tree, he gave me a forest. Asked 4 a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked 4 a friend, he gave me you


Friends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!


Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me ...


I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!


When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....


My "aim" in life is: die young when I am very old.

When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.


A friend is someone who knows when you need her...


A ring is round and has no end, so is my love for you my friend.

If my head looks like yours, I'd shave my rear end and walked on my hands.


Mirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images.


A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it


Friend: someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you die


You can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, may god's angels watch over you.


Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.


A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!


I would not call myself important, but I am convinced that when I was not born, everyone would like to know why.


The only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happy.


miko13 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-16-2008, 02:52 PM   #2 (permalink)
عضو موقوف

medo929 على طريق التميز


thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx






medo929 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-30-2009, 02:50 PM   #3 (permalink)
عضو نشيط

mage_55 على طريق التميز


الف شكر يا ماااااااااااااااااااااااااااااان

mage_55 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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