07-03-2010, 07:12 PM
#6 (permalink)
B.Ed.) degree program in Ontario. Lanying2 a Chainese-educated meteorologist and , journalist who immigrated to Canada in 1990, and who , after unsuccessful attempts to gain employment in her fields of expertise, undertook a Bachelor of Education degree to pursue a career in teaching , is one participant in the study Lanying's narrative ,presented in this paper
Provides a powerful illustration of the challenges , supports and common themes described by the IESTs in this study . Her story communicates instances of : Loneliness ; de-skilled under
Employment ; complex social dynamics related to perception of self and others founded on interpretations of English language proficiency ; identity construction and re-construction
2- Lanying is a pseudonym . participation of internationally-educated professionals
Extraordinary time pressures as a parent attending to family responsibilities and the intense demands of the ITE program; strategizing to compete fore entry to the labour market ; networking with supportive peers; benefiting from honest , constructive and encouraging ;mentoring engagement with a course and instructor explicitly framed to support internationally-educated student teachers ; persistence; and optimism common among the study participants and reflective of emerging relevant research literature in this field ( Bascia, 1996a; Faez, 2006 ;&Hutchison
Jazzar , 2007 ; Mawhinney &Xu, 1997; Mylees, cheng, & Wang ,2006 ;Rhone , 2007 ; Thiessen
Bascia &Goodson ,1996 ) .Representative of the participants in this study, Lanying's narrative provides a context from which the challenges and supports experienced by IESTs participating in an initial teacher education program can be examined paper Lanying's pre-interview questionnaire and interview data are first presented as an actively constructed narrative
Silverman . 2003, p.346 ) which is then related to current research literature in the discussion section .
Research questions :
The following research questions guide this study what systemic , institutional, and individual dynamic challenge and support immigrant minority and English language learner participation in an initial teacher Education Bachelor of Education degree program in Ontario
4- Participation Of internationally- Educated Professionals
Theoretical and conceptual framework this study is guided by a central concern for issues of social justice and equity and is positioned within a critical integrative anti-racism framework (Dei ,2000) critical integrative anti-racism emerges out of the recognition of the importance of race identity , social difference and representation in educational practice (Dei, 2000, p.33) and deconstructs what has been established as normative by dominant society . |
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