| اضافة سكيلات البيور كامله azure shield و soulshackle بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم,, اضافة سكيلات البيور كامله azure shield و soulshackle اولا تفتح ملف handle.cs
ندور على الكود دا كود PHP: switch (spellID) {
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: #region Pure Skills //SoulShackle case 10405: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner) && attacked.Dead) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); attacked.ShackleStamp = Time32.Now; if (attacked.Dead) { if (attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level == 0) { attacked.ShackleTime = 30; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level == 1) { attacked.ShackleTime = 45; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level == 2) { attacked.ShackleTime = 60; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level == 3) { attacked.ShackleTime = 75; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level == 4) { attacked.ShackleTime = 90; } // attacked.AddFlag(18014398509481984); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); Update ud = new Update(true); ud.SoulShackle(attacked, attacked.SoulShackleTime, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //AzureShield case 30000: { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner);
SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y;
suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AzureStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AzureTime = (short)spell.Duration; attacked.AzureDamage = spell.Power; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.AzureShield); Update ud = new Update(true); ud.AzureShield(attacked, attacked.AzureDamage, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); } } break; } #endregion
نفتح الملف دا Entinity.cs
ندور على الكود دا كود PHP: public ushort KOSpell = 0;
ونضيف تحتو دا كود PHP: public int AzureDamage = 0; public short SoulShackleTime = 0;
ويعد كدا حتلاقى فوق دول كود PHP: public int AzureDamage = 0; public short SoulShackleTime = 0;
دى كود PHP: public short CycloneTime = 0, SupermanTime = 0, NoDrugsTime = 0, FatalStrikeTime = 0, Cannonbarage = 0, Blackbeard = 0, ShurikenVortexTime = 0, OblivionTime = 0,
تشيله وتحط دا كود PHP: public short CycloneTime = 0, SupermanTime = 0, NoDrugsTime = 0, FatalStrikeTime = 0, Cannonbarage = 0, Blackbeard = 0, ShurikenVortexTime = 0, OblivionTime = 0, ShackleTime = 0, AzureTime;
بعد كدا نفتح المسار دا Game/Enums.cs
ندور على دا كود PHP: EarthAura = 109,
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: SoulShackle = 110, AzureShield = 92,
وبعد كدا ندور على دا كود PHP: Serenity = 10400,
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: AzureShield = 30000, SoulShackle = 10405,
وبعد كدا نفتح ملف update.cs
وندور على دا ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: AzureShield = 92, SoulShackle = 110,
وبعد كدا ندور على كود PHP: WriteUInt64(value2, offset + 12, Buffer); }
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: public void SoulShackle(Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity Entity, int Dmg, byte SpellLevel, byte Time_) { byte[] Buf = new byte[52 + 8]; WriteUInt16(52, 0, Buf);//Packet Lenght WriteUInt16(10017, 2, Buf);//Status Packet Id WriteUInt32(Entity.UID, 4, Buf);//Client Id WriteUInt32(2, 8, Buf);// Switch WriteUInt32(25, 12, Buf); // Status Effect Type WriteUInt64((ulong)Entity.EntityFlag, 16, Buf);//Status flag 1 WriteUInt64((ulong)Entity.StatusFlag2, 24, Buf);//Status flag 2 WriteUInt32(54, 32, Buf); //StatusTypes.AzureShield WriteUInt32(113, 36, Buf);//i guess Sybtype ,, WriteUInt32(Time_, 40, Buf);//Time duration for the effect WriteUInt32((uint)Dmg, 44, Buf);//Damage Coused by the skill WriteUInt32(SpellLevel, 48, Buf); //the SoulShackle Skill Level if (Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) {//3alashan ngeeb el client Client.GameState Cl = Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[Entity.UID]; Cl.Send(Buf); } // wa lamma t7eb testad3eha ekteb bas el code dah ,, Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.AzureShield(attacked, attacked.AzureDamage, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); } public void AzureShield(Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity Entity, int Dmg, byte SpellLevel, byte Time_) { byte[] Buf = new byte[52 + 8]; WriteUInt16(52, 0, Buf);//Packet Lenght WriteUInt16(10017, 2, Buf);//Status Packet Id WriteUInt32(Entity.UID, 4, Buf);//Client Id WriteUInt32(2, 8, Buf);// Switch WriteUInt32(25, 12, Buf); // Status Effect Type WriteUInt64((ulong)Entity.EntityFlag, 16, Buf);//Status flag 1 WriteUInt64((ulong)Entity.StatusFlag2, 24, Buf);//Status flag 2 WriteUInt32(49, 32, Buf); //StatusTypes.AzureShield WriteUInt32(93, 36, Buf);//i guess Sybtype ,, WriteUInt32(Time_, 40, Buf);//Time duration for the effect WriteUInt32((uint)Dmg, 44, Buf);//Damage Coused by the skill WriteUInt32(SpellLevel, 48, Buf); //the Azure Skill Level if (Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) {//3alashan ngeeb el client Client.GameState Cl = Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[Entity.UID]; Cl.Send(Buf); } // wa lamma t7eb testad3eha ekteb bas el code dah ,, Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.AzureShield(attacked, attacked.AzureDamage, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); }
وبعد كدا نحط دا تحت خالص كود PHP: internal void AzureShield(int p, byte p_2, byte p_3) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }
وبعد كدا نفتح program.cs
ندور على دا كود PHP: if (client.Entity.HandleTiming)
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: #region SoulShackle if (client.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.SoulShackle)) { if (Now > client.Entity.ShackleStamp.AddSeconds(90)) { client.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.SoulShackle); client.Entity.RemoveFlag2(18014398509481984); } } #endregion
وبعد كدا نرجع لملف update.cs
ندور على دا كود PHP: Top3SpouseYellow = 0x4000000,
ونحط تحتو دا كود PHP: AzureShield = 0x20000000, AzureShieldFade = 0x40000000,
وبكدا يبقى باقى النافى كات بس كود PHP: INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10335', '30000', '0006', 'AzureShield', '0', '0', '0', '0001', '0001', '0123', '7500', '0000', '0100', '0040', '0000', '0021', '0089', '0000', '1190', '0050', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0030', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10336', '30000', '0006', 'AzureShield', '0', '0', '0', '0001', '0002', '0169', '8000', '0000', '0100', '0050', '0000', '0022', '0089', '0000', '1442', '0070', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0030', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10337', '30000', '0006', 'AzureShield', '0', '0', '0', '0001', '0003', '0280', '9500', '0000', '0100', '0050', '0000', '0023', '0089', '0000', '1690', '0090', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0030', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10338', '30000', '0006', 'AzureShield', '0', '0', '0', '0001', '0004', '0405', '12000', '0000', '0100', '0060', '0000', '0025', '0089', '0000', '0', '0110', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0030', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001');
ودا كمان كود PHP: INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10405', '10405', '0006', 'SoulShackle', '1', '0', '0', '0064', '0000', '0050', '0', '0000', '0100', '0060', '0000', '0015', '0106', '0000', '720', '0090', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0010', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10406', '10405', '0006', 'SoulShackle', '1', '0', '0', '0064', '0001', '0060', '0', '0000', '0100', '0090', '0000', '0015', '0106', '0000', '860', '0100', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0010', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10407', '10405', '0006', 'SoulShackle', '1', '0', '0', '0064', '0002', '0075', '0', '0000', '0100', '0120', '0000', '0015', '0106', '0000', '960', '0110', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0010', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10408', '10405', '0006', 'SoulShackle', '1', '0', '0', '0064', '0003', '0090', '0', '0000', '0100', '0150', '0000', '0015', '0106', '0000', '1010', '0115', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0010', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001'); INSERT INTO `spells` VALUES ('10409', '10405', '0006', 'SoulShackle', '1', '0', '0', '0064', '0004', '0100', '0', '0000', '0100', '0180', '0000', '0015', '0106', '0000', '0', '0120', '0', '0000', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0000', '0', '0010', '0', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0001');
تحياتى للجميع |